He was responding to a question about the cancellation of his exhibition by the Lisson Gallery in London in November following comments on social media referencing the Israel-Hamas conflict.

His post, which was subsequently deleted, suggested the “sense of guilt around the persecution of the Jewish people” had been transferred and used against the Arab world.

Referring to his own family’s exile when he was one year old, the activist said: "I grew up within this heavy political censorship.

“I realise now, today in the West, you are doing exactly the same.”

He drew parallels with the disastrous purge under Mao, which took China to the brink of anarchy.

Criticising the suspension of two New York University professors for comments related to Gaza, Ai said: "This is really like a cultural revolution, which is really trying to destroy anybody who have different attitudes, not even a clear opinion.

Ai’s art often addresses political issues in China and he has frequently criticised Beijing’s record on human rights and democracy.

  • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    You are free to look it up for yourself, I do not expect yoy tp trust me on absolutely anything, but I am not going to be uploading an entire PDF into a comment

    Also if we want to refraim, I will happy argue the PRC is better than The USA, if that is what you would rather be arguing?

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      All you have to do is post a link. Just copy and paste a URL. That you refuse to do so certainly makes me think you were being dishonest.

      And no, yet again, my argument is that the claim that “censorship in the West is exactly the same as Mao’s China” is false. That is all my argument has ever been from the start, which is why I have brought it up in almost every response to you. If only you would read it. Or the article. Or the article’s headline.

      I really don’t care about your opinions about China.

      • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        It is a pdf saved to my computer, how the heck do you want me to “coppy a url”

        I read the article headline, I too say its false, but I also disagree with you, funny how that can work, we can agree in a boolian statement but disagree with each other, my argument to you is that your starting comment was incorrect and accademicly dishonest

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Sure. You have Mao’s constitution saved as a PDF on your computer. Very believable. Surprisingly convenient.

          • Red Army Dog Cooper@lemmy.ml
            7 months ago

            You know how often I have this exact argument in a year IRL, I am a communist, I hear “You wouldn’t be allowed to critise the government in a communist country” all the time so I have a habit of once I have to use a constitution of an AES county, or a specific edition I save it

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Sure you do. Because downloading a PDF of it that you can’t actually show is far better for these discussions than linking to one you can show. “Trust me, bro.”