He was responding to a question about the cancellation of his exhibition by the Lisson Gallery in London in November following comments on social media referencing the Israel-Hamas conflict.

His post, which was subsequently deleted, suggested the “sense of guilt around the persecution of the Jewish people” had been transferred and used against the Arab world.

Referring to his own family’s exile when he was one year old, the activist said: "I grew up within this heavy political censorship.

“I realise now, today in the West, you are doing exactly the same.”

He drew parallels with the disastrous purge under Mao, which took China to the brink of anarchy.

Criticising the suspension of two New York University professors for comments related to Gaza, Ai said: "This is really like a cultural revolution, which is really trying to destroy anybody who have different attitudes, not even a clear opinion.

Ai’s art often addresses political issues in China and he has frequently criticised Beijing’s record on human rights and democracy.

  • Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldOP
    7 months ago

    He was hailed for criticizing China for being an oppressive regime. Very brave such hero.

    Then he started criticizing israel and they cancelled all his exhibits.

    • Hyperreality@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      As reported on by Sky News.

      Do you still think all Western media, like SkyNews, are Zionist controlled Linkerbaan?

      I seem to remember you making that claim and getting upset when I suggested that not all western media are controlled by Israeli Jews and their allies.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        The fact that OP is trusting what Rupert Murdoch’s outlet has to say about this shows you that they either don’t understand where their allegiances lie or do understand and are pretending not to be right-wing.

      • Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldOP
        7 months ago

        I remember backing up my claims with evidence of graphs and NLP studies which you conveniently ignored and then left. Maybe go back and read those.

        • Hyperreality@kbin.social
          7 months ago

          I remember backing up my claims with evidence of graphs and NLP studies which you conveniently ignored and then left. Maybe go back and read those.

          Not me. Probably replied to someone else who was critical of you claiming all western media are controlled by the Zionists.

          I’ll report your comment for anti-semitism.

          You did that last time.

          Here’s the thing Linkerbaan. Paraphrasing your claim that Israeli Jews and their allies (the Zionists) control the media does not make me an anti-semite.

          You really should take a long hard mirror, instead of perpetuating nasty anti-semitic tropes.

          Especially when you just posted a Sky News article, a media organisation you claim to think is controlled by the ‘’‘Zionists’‘’.

            • Hyperreality@kbin.social
              7 months ago

              You are slandering Jews.

              By paraphrasing what you said? Almost self-aware.

              Here’s the thing. Unlike you, I don’t think Israeli Jews and their allies control Western media. That’s you. But hey, feel free to abuse that report button. Sure the mods have nothing better to do.

              Also have a fun read theintercept.com/…/newspapers-israel-palestine-bi…

              You’re quoting a Western media article which is critical of pro-Israel bias, to prove that Western media are all controlled by the Zionists.

              I mean…

              Are you sure you’re not parrotting Zionist propaganda Linkerbaan? Netenyahu likes to paint any criticism of Israel as anti-semitism, and you certainly aren’t helping the Palestinian cause by going on about how western media are all controlled by Zionists.