Oh fuck off. If it was truly about class why is in every single metric from wages, employment, health, education, and housing black and brown ppl currently are worse off then their white counter parts regardless of income and location. If it was only about class wouldnt it be the same across the board? And it’s ALWAYS been that way.
It’s almost like white ppl are pissed they’re being denied the dreams they actively keep everyone else from receiving and the rest of us are just suppose to forget about the very real problems specific to our races just to keep white ppl comfortable.
why is in every single metric from wages, employment, health, education, and housing black and brown ppl currently are worse off then their white counter parts regardless of income and location.
Because whites are superior, remember? lmao
It’s good that whites go mask off with this “DON’T TALK ABOUT RACISM THERE IS NO RACISM IT’S SOMETHING ELSE COMPLETELY!!!1!” because that cognitive dissonance between what they see and what they believe should be a wakeup call, although segregation keeps them safe from seeing black social reality for the most part.
The teams that played at the Super Bowl are both predominantly black. Please point to either of the teams that stopped playing to protest the “white ruling class”.
Oh, that’s right, it didn’t happen. Crazy, what’s your perspective on that? No True Scotsman? Got a strawman you wanna piece together? Say more stuff about how white people are the problem, that should get you some upvotes.
Must be nice to be able to ignore race. You haven’t noticed tho. You haven’t noticed you’re part of the problem, either. I bet you think you’re a Good Guy™️, voting Democrat every 2-4 years and wondering why people are dissatisfied. Don’t they know they just need to make smarter choices? I hope you’re not American because if you are… sheesh “its not about race”.
Stop making it about race. It’s about class, not race. You’re just race baiting
I love how you got to the literally second word of my comment and had an emotional meltdown when you read WHITE. The majority of my comment was about class but that’s ok, based on your response I don’t expect you to be too smart. The article was about generation but you somehow managed to shoehorn class into it to protect white supremacy… impressive lol
Stop making it about race. It’s about class, not race. You’re just race baiting
So how come the upper class in America is mostly white while the lower class is mostly black brown and indigenous? Is it because whites are… supreme?
Oh fuck off. If it was truly about class why is in every single metric from wages, employment, health, education, and housing black and brown ppl currently are worse off then their white counter parts regardless of income and location. If it was only about class wouldnt it be the same across the board? And it’s ALWAYS been that way.
It’s almost like white ppl are pissed they’re being denied the dreams they actively keep everyone else from receiving and the rest of us are just suppose to forget about the very real problems specific to our races just to keep white ppl comfortable.
Because whites are superior, remember? lmao
It’s good that whites go mask off with this “DON’T TALK ABOUT RACISM THERE IS NO RACISM IT’S SOMETHING ELSE COMPLETELY!!!1!” because that cognitive dissonance between what they see and what they believe should be a wakeup call, although segregation keeps them safe from seeing black social reality for the most part.
So why did the Super Bowl happen?
The teams that played at the Super Bowl are both predominantly black. Please point to either of the teams that stopped playing to protest the “white ruling class”.
Oh, that’s right, it didn’t happen. Crazy, what’s your perspective on that? No True Scotsman? Got a strawman you wanna piece together? Say more stuff about how white people are the problem, that should get you some upvotes.
okie dokie
This is the real brain buster here 🤔🤔🤔 why **did ** it happen?
Must be nice to be able to ignore race. You haven’t noticed tho. You haven’t noticed you’re part of the problem, either. I bet you think you’re a Good Guy™️, voting Democrat every 2-4 years and wondering why people are dissatisfied. Don’t they know they just need to make smarter choices? I hope you’re not American because if you are… sheesh “its not about race”.
I love how you got to the literally second word of my comment and had an emotional meltdown when you read WHITE. The majority of my comment was about class but that’s ok, based on your response I don’t expect you to be too smart. The article was about generation but you somehow managed to shoehorn class into it to protect white supremacy… impressive lol