It’s that the eugenesist?
I see two in the header image.
Well not THE eugenesist but i wouldn’t be surprised
Mr big balls is the one that was affiliated with the COM and has been involved with sim swapping and DDoSing attacks.
Also has an llc named Tesla.SEXY or some shit so i hope ive helped increase your confidence in the maturity and judgement of mr big balls.
You’ll have to be more specific about which DOGE member you’re talking about.
He’s exactly what I imagine a nepobaby techbro who calls himself Big Balls would look like.
Broccoli haired?
Maybe frozen broccoli
Reminds me of when I was working in a restaurant fresh out of highschool and they made me a manager after everyone slowly quit. The best part about having someone as young as this in a position of power is not waiting to see IF they fuck up, but WHEN they fuck up. Only thing is, this kid is in charge of way more than just cooking someone’s dinner.
Scapegoat, patsy, fall guy, whipping boy, fool
High School Senior advisor?
Dude got a head like teen Groot.
It’s okay. All the 19-year-olds I’ve ever met in my life, including myself, have been highly responsible people who never, ever do incredibly stupid shit all the time.
I think I did not do stupid shit when I was 19, well I didn’t do shit at all actually, that’s probably why
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I would put “didn’t do shit at all” when you’re 19 and a whole world of possibilities is open to you in the category of “stupid” as well. Congratulations, we’re all members of the “19 and an idiot” club.
When i was 21, i did a lot of schoolings and was always the youngest by like 20 years. With 23, i had to school people who were 20 years older than me. All i could think off the whole time was: man, i think i’m way to young for this.
How does Elon Musk meet a 19 year old? There’s a non-zero chance they met on 4chan, isn’t there?
He liked one of his twitt
I’m sure a lot of these names are people who were courted by think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation. A lot of them pay TONS to send middle class and rich kids to good colleges all to get them near positions of power - then they saw Elon randomly walking into government departments with valuable data and said ‘well shit let’s just give these kids who were gonna be coffee gophers for Lauren Boebert to him instead’.
Looks like the guy from Eraserhead if he was dropped a bunch as a baby