• stembolts@programming.dev
    7 months ago

    All of your statements are subjective opinions and it appears that you did not learn how to differentiate that from objective fact.

    Here, I’ll demonstrate. I’ll ask you a question you can’t answer.

    You used the term “normal people”. Please define “normal people” and of course be sure not to use your own biases and belief systems to do so. Define it so that it is true for every person reading this post, in every country, every religion, every sexual orientation, every gender. Simply define “normal”.

    Spoiler, you can’t, because normal is a concept relative to the current society within which you exist, colored by all of your biases and societal conceptual scaffolding that, while you can develop yourself and become aware of, you haven’t. Clearly.

    So now, if your reading comprehension and intelligence level permits it… (big “if” in your case but I’ll take a gamble on ya)… you can see that the foundation for your entire statement is exclusive to your own mind. How special! The arbiter of taste themselves is here!

    Why does this matter? Well, if we are basing ideas off the subjective opinion of one person (dictatorship intensifies), who should we choose? What if their idea of normal excludes your existence? How would they treat you? Do you see the err in pursuing this type of thought now? It naturally leads to a single point of failure.

    Let’s continue, for the benefit of others largely because I assume at this point I have lost you. So, how would a person who agrees with you know what to define as normal and abnormal if you are not present? To what authority would they appeal? I imagine your answer to this question would be illuminating with regards to who taught you what the nonexistent idea of “normal” is.

    But anyway, that is enough. Look at your post scores. Your shit is wildly unpopular and hopefully this gives you +1% exp closer to realizing that you are not a clever person. You’re just an angry monkey who wants others to conform to your idea of reality. Your subjective… biased… boring… unpopular… unenlightened… reality.

    Very few people want to hear what you have to say and the ones that do are made dumber for attempting to untangle your pocketed-headphone-cable mess of “ideas”.

    TLDR, “When being called stupid by dozens of people, do you ever pause and ask yourself, ‘What if they are right’?”