I immediately sought a second opinion, but the earliest appointment was two months from now.
I’d find out what heroin feels like in the final few days. It’d be just my luck that I’d have trouble finding anything of good quality, so I’d either not get the full desired experience or I’d OD on fentanyl.
Spend at least 28 of them trying to decide what to do. Then ultimately panic because I couldn’t come up with anything for the last three days.
Get into the plumbing business
Probably nothing because I would waste the time thinking about what I should do.
- Set up my will.
- Dispose of the accumulated crust.
- Get the house ready to sell.
- Document all my accounts.
- Move money as appropriate.
- Provide for preservation/distribution of my genealogy research.
- Work to prepare my friends and family for life without me.
“Can we speed that up a bit?”
let’s just say there’s about to be another luigi on the news
Play games, watch movies, spend time with family and split whatever money I got left with them.
A bunch of drugs and go on a murdering spree
Tropical vacation with sex, drugs, and pizza
I’ll get myself a wikipedia page 😉
I too shall have a spot on this persons wiki page.
So you’ll be my brother? Mario?
Nutmeg is psychoactive beyond normal serving sizes. It is a deliriant. Note that it is also toxic at these levels. Question; Does delirium sound enjoyable? If you’re in your right mind, the answer should be “absolutely not”.
With that being said, I’d like to see hell before I’m actually there. May as well. I’d do it just before death, so the wretchedness ends early.
That’s after trying every drug that’d otherwise be too risky for the long run.
Withdraw all of my investment money, hop on a cruise ship, and live in the lap of luxury til I’m ready to die.
Then I jump off the ship.
I like your “luxury” attitude, but cruise ships are kinda gross. Crowded, too. Maybe a nice tropical vacation?
Play Super Mario Bros as the second player for 31 days straight.
Mario Party is a game where everyone participate.
Just saying.
I don’t think you’re picking up what I’m putting down.
He is. Read it again.