I do not want this to be a political debate nor an opportunity to post recent headlines. However, in my opinion, this administration seems to be taking actions which history suggests may lead towards a near or total economic collapse. Whether you agree with this or not is irrelevant.

This post’s question is: If one were to have a concern that they’d no longer be able to afford common household goods or that mainstream (S&P, Nasdaq) financial investments were no longer sound, what can one do to prepare for “the worst”? What actions could someone take today to minimize economic hardship in the future?

I would also like thoughtful insight from older adults to offer younger adults about how they should be better preparing themselves for an uncertain future, outside of current events or place of residence.

  • sunzu2@thebrainbin.org
    1 month ago

    Nobody wants us any where mate.

    It ain’t as easy as people think it should be lol

    Best chance is finding some nice foreign person who loves you enough to get married and import you into their socialist paradise.

    This tactic works better for women generally lol

    Nobody wants a broke middle aged cuck haha