If Costco believed that a move such as the one in the headline was a common sense, good for business strategy, then why did they draw it out over months and months of grueling union negotiations, probably spending untold millions on lawyers?
The union strong armed Costco into making this decision - as they should.
Costco offers some of the best pay and benefits in the industry. Their average employee tenure is over 8 years which is in the top 15% of companies of similar size.
They’re not perfect but they are better than most companies.
If Costco believed that a move such as the one in the headline was a common sense, good for business strategy, then why did they draw it out over months and months of grueling union negotiations, probably spending untold millions on lawyers?
The union strong armed Costco into making this decision - as they should.
Costco offers some of the best pay and benefits in the industry. Their average employee tenure is over 8 years which is in the top 15% of companies of similar size.
They’re not perfect but they are better than most companies.
This is because of their union… Not because of Costco, though.
The union was was certified a couple of years ago and represents just 8% of their US workers?
The union that isn’t included in this wage increase?