Hey, I’ve seen this one
See, this right here is the MAIN AGENDA of the qon elitists.
All the other identity politics bullshit is largely red meat for his dipshit base. Sure, there are true believers like Bannon and Miller that are for that, but this is the MAIN thing: sending more money to the already extremely and obscenely affluent, and fucking the 99%.
Well, that and crashing the economy to steal everything they don’t already own for a pittance.
dumbfucks voted for this. jesus fucking christ.
You guys gotta get out of this teamsport mindset.
It’s not just them feeling the pinch. It’s real people that you probably care about. And we’re all in the shit together.
Yes, but they keep voting for this shit because they want to harm “certain” Americans. And yes, we are all having to live through it.
And they do that because of decades of propaganda and being lied to by cunts.
They’re as much victims of this shit as the people they’ve been told to hate.
You and I have more in common with the most rabid chud on this continent than we do with oligarchs like Musk and Zucc or carpetbaggers like Trump.
Be mad. Go through those stages. But when shit gets bad and they turn on him. Don’t go wagging a finger. Offer a hand instead.
I want to thank you for posting this. In dark times like these, it’s a much needed reminder to show compassion when the time comes. People will have a hard enough time once they realize they’ve been duped. No need to make it any more difficult.
What I’m hearing is… the rich get richer. Hmmm…
Luigis needed
Their level of cruelty is just expected now, huh. Sad times.
of course it is, and yes it’s sad. now do something about it.
I dont think these people realize how close they are to being ripped apart in the street by an angry mob…and I kind of hope they don’t realize it until its too late.
Are they though? Are they? Or is everyone too focused on not upsetting the status quo to even throw a pebble in protest?
Give it a few months. Also it will be a situation of critical mass. Seemingly nothing until it hits the tipping point, then suddenly massive
The only thing getting ripped apart are his pants so they can kiss his ass raw
You’re way more optimistic than me about the future of America.
For real. I talk with my friends about the tipping point, and this unfortunately ain’t it by a mile. MAGAts don’t make up the entirety of R voters, but not one MAGAt would give a shit if D voters started getting rounded up. It’s been an incredibly thorough brainwashing effort by whoever spearheaded the effort. R used to mean small government, states rights! Now it means fuck Joe Biden, fuck your feelings, fuck work culture. And it all feels like it happened so fast. Say what you want about Bush, but the sentiment among those who voted for him wasn’t this open hostility that we have today.
if you know what’s coming, you make a preemptive strike.
The angry mob came when they didn’t win the election 4 years ago.
Really? The people affected by this wanted this turd in the office or at least didn’t have a problem enough with him to go vote for someone else.
Because the people who need this money are leading rough, rough lives already and often don’t have the time or energy to properly learn politics. They’re the kind of people who can’t afford to miss work or look after their family to vote.
They’re victims of their circumstances and now they’re going to suffer more for it. They’re not the enemies here.
This is dumb, you can do America First policies and have FDR-type socialism, or Nordic model policies, together. American permanent residents and citizens should get benefits they pay for via their taxes. Simple.
America is the land of wealth not well-being. Would you want to live out your retirement in America or Denmark?
It is dumb, as long as your goal is to be as rich as possible and not be as powerful as possible
You will generate better profit from a rich population; they’ll also advocate for your business if you openly support their ascension, and you’d lose nothing in profits by doing so
But you do lose power. Power over people, and the benefit of doubt that the government won’t strike down on you if you appease, and the people will have more important shit to focus on now that their benefits are gone
Both parties did this, republicans can do it more outwardly without causing a split in parties
Socialism for the Rich. Rugged individualism for the Poor.
Fuck so-called socialism, anarchist, communism and other far-left ideologies, and collectivism too.
Individualism made living for the people better. Democracies were based on individualism (and liberalism), where they care about every person.
What do you need is to not to build another system, but to make rule of law and regulations strong. But you’re just want to trick Americans to another utopia, fairytales like “capitalism = evil”. It will eventually turn into chaos, and then there will dictator after dictator.
I don’t understand why do people upvote this.
Fuck so-called socialism, anarchism, communism and other far-left or extreme ideologies, and collectivism too (where everyone is poor).
Individualism made living for the people better. Democracies were based on individualism (and liberalism), where they care about every person.
What do you need is to not to build another system, but to make rule of law and regulations strong. In the EU, for example, and around the world, there is problem not in social democracy/liberal democracy, but with economic inequality.
But you’re just want to trick Americans to another utopia, fairytales like “capitalism = evil”. It will eventually turn into chaos, tyranny, and then there will dictator after dictator. Again, there will be small group of rich people, who will be oppress everyone, deprive food from them, don’t care about basic needs of population. They will steal resources from the country, but regular people in the country will be poor.
Look at Russia or China, where they also thought that all problems with
If individualism is so great and socialism so horrible why do the rich get constant support from the government? Shouldn’t they be the best at being individuals? Why is it the poor are expected to make do with little to no help? But the rich walk into the upper reaches of government for simply graduating high school?
You say if we get rid of our economic system it will cause a resurgence of a small ruling elite who will oppress everyone, deprive them of food. And they won’t care about the basic needs of the population. Did you not see Trump turn off Medicaid? Have you not checked the grocery prices lately?
You also make the mistake of an either/or fallacy. It’s either unregulated capitalism, or centrally planned communism. But that’s just not how the world works. For example we can have a market economy with government administered health, education, telecoms, and mass transit. A guaranteed job program is not incompatible with private industry.
Finally, you responded to a sarcastic remark about how our country treats the different classes with this utterly crap take that ironically demonstrates the exact problem. The second someone mentions the dreaded S word the woodworks bleed people running to shout about Totalitarian rule like we would be forced to give up Democracy. All to defend the system that supports people who were born with a silver spoon and oppresses those born into a family of debt.
As a note - Something to think about, the Annual US GDP is 27 Trillion dollars. Evenly split among all adults that’s over 100,000 dollars. Hardly poverty…
You’re OK? Why do you answer on deleted comment? And I don’t see the point to downvoting already deleted comment too.
Because you don’t get off that easy.
almost as if it were billionaires working for the benefit of other billionaires…
Idk how it hasn’t occurred to these billionaires yet that some of those few benefits are what keeping people from going full Luigi. They keep fucking around.
While I agree the US does a fraction of what they could: Social Security
Department of Education
The list goes on and on. If you think there aren’t a LOT of social programs that they can cut, you are in for a very, very rough time.
I sympathize with the commentor who you are responding to although I know my present crap life could always get worse and probably will. Just doesn’t feel like much to lose
Buddy, I’m being sarcastic here. I KNOW they’re gonna destroy tons of public services like that. The cruelty is the point.
Hmm interesting how all the efficiency that they are introducing requires cutting benefits. Almost as if they were pleasing the 1% or something.
If you slash OUR services, then you slash OUR taxes. You want to save the rich money, stop spending their taxes on bombs to rip the legs of little kids in Palestine, you ain’t spending my money on propping up their system, you’re using my money to help US citizens first. I’ll set an appointment with the cheese turd, might execute his secret service first just so he fuckibg listens for once. Also it’s not illegal to threaten secret service like it is the president. Hi secret service guy, I look forward to beating you to death so I can get to your boss for a genuine conversation where he realizes he is not all that powerful without you idiots pointing guns for him. See you soon shit squat.
The country already has too many homeless, this would make it worse.
Why would you be homeless when you could just
perform slave laborgrow organic lettuce on aisolated off-the-gridtech-freecampfarm in Kansas?That’s the plan for people “addicted” to (prescribed) amphetamines and ssri’s, right? What is that, like, 1 in 3 millennials? (no shade I’m in that group)
Why not
sendoffer the homeless to go there too, if it’s so great?
Don’t forget the new tax plan also includes tax increases for us plebs too!
Cut benefits, increase payments! Good job Magoos!
But the price for food is down… It is, right?
Its going to double or tripple if we deport or scare half the ag workforce away and don’t offer an exorbitant wage to do the time sensitive work leading to food rotting
He’ll probably just use prisoners.
National sales tax incoming.
Don’t start giving Mango Mussolini any ideas.
What do you think Tariffs are? It’s the Trump Sales Tax.
Yup and expect some things to get expensive starting as early as this Saturday:
Why does this joyless asshole insist on dropping political bullshit on Saturdays and holidays? I guess misery really does love company.
I thought the Trump sales tax was the $64B crypto rug-pull he did on his sycophants.
Well, that was the opt-in stuff. There are other things that will get everyone, not just his dumbass supporters.
Oh they’ve been proposing that for years.
Oh I know, just making jokes to compensate for the crushingly depressive state of things.