Since Trump, I’m finding the experience to be increasingly akin to an echo chamber and it’s quite frankly starting to bore me. (Inb4, I’m a left winger and I don’t like Trump, but I’m much more interested in a good spirited debate or novel points of view than I am in Orange man bad Nazi circle jerks)
If I wanted the same repetitive comments to be upvoted and any different opinion at all to be downvoted and even blocked/banned, I’d have just stayed on Reddit.
Are there any instances where different, opposing and novel points of view are celebrated and debated rather than simply derided and downvoted?
lol, china does the same imperialist shit in africa that the west does
Not at all correct. China doesn’t use debt traps, nor does it focus on exporting Capital in order to produce outside its country lines at lower wages. Rather, it’s the opposite, China frequently forgives loans (usually made through State entities and not private corporations and banks) and focuses on commodity exports. To say that China does the “same Imperialism” is factually wrong. There’s much that can be correctly criticized about the PRC, but to put it on equal footing with the West with respect to whether it is ultimately playing a predatory or beneficial role is divorced from reality.
how’s that a cope? I’m against the US and china
that’s because you’re an ignoramus
ok, why did I expect an actual argunent?
Because you’re a debate bro who wastes other people’s time arguing about subjects you have no clue about. If you want people to take you seriously spend a bit time educating yourself instead of speaking out of ignorance.
“Neither washington nor beijing, but washington”
Chinese investment in Africa has had ‘Significant And Persistently Positive’ long-term effects
here, read the chapter criticism and tell me everything I’m wrong about
Study after study shows that China’s involvement in Africa has measurable positive impact, but here you are with your wikipedia link acting like you have a clue