It’s hard to characterize in a single sentence, so I’ll just break it down into its constituent parts.
The Beep
When the laundry cycle finishes it does the following:
- It beeps super loudly for 5 seconds
- If you don’t run to switch it off, it will wait 30 more seconds and then continue to beep super loudly for 5 seconds
- If you switch it off whilst it’s beeping, it will continue to finish its beeping
- There is no volume setting nor any way to switch this off.
The Door
When it’s finished. It does not release. That beeping sound from earlier to tell you to come get your laundry? No no no, that was just the “come and watch me drain” alarm.
- Switching it off has no effect on the door release.
- It releases whenever it wants. It could be 5 minutes, it could be 20.
- When it does release, all you will get is a <clunk> sound, so you better be around to hear it.
- If you miss this sound, it will lock itself again 10-15 minutes later and rotate your clothes.
- It will then repeat the release process.
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You might can adjust the feet on it
I just bought new ones, to be delivered tomorrow.
So i hope they aren’t much assholey yet.
Just hope that your new one now does not require a Wi-Fi connection and automatic software updates, which will inevitably lead to the company bricking your device 10 years down the line.
It doesn’t, I’ve picked it exactly because it doesn’t need any internet connection
Nice. I’ll be looking for one soon too.
Hopefully I can find something like that.
Mine opens with the long press of a button.
But my beep gives me a different problem, I never hear it. Imagine a shy introvert whispering, “Excuse me, if it isn’t any trouble, would you please kindly move your laundry?” From across the apartment behind several closed doors.
The end result is me nerotically checking it, and sometimes it just refused to end. Like the timer says some amount of time and nothing is happening. If I open it, the display sheepishly flashes CL, which I assume means clean and not clear.
Check youtube for any hidden volume settings for your specific model - mine turned out to have volume controls!
Thanks, I figured it out. Seems silly, but helpful advice from a stranger brightened my day.
I had a washing machine that made audible chirps as you dialed through the programs and an irritating ditty whenever you engaged a program. It couldn’t be turned off. That was on a physical dial. But it also had flat touch buttons with no bevel or edge or tactile feedback - and these were always silent - so most of the time you didn’t know if you’d really pressed it or not. God. The first time I used it I was like… “what the fuck”. It was brand new in 2023. I cannot comprehend how someone can design, make, and program something so stupid.
I learned my lesson the hard way too. After suffering, I bought the cheapest washer and dryer at the local appliance store, it has an end of cycle alarm that was a simple unplug in the back panel.
Mine just throws a fit every decade or so, and stops generating heat.
Also, it’s the most famous appliance in my house because a video on YouTube of me opening my dryer door has almost 500k views
almost 500k views
we could get you there if you post the link :)
My dryer, my sister and I star in a video on PornHub that has fifteen views.
Stepsister. Or people will think you’re weird.
Funny story our parents are siblings too.
We’ve kept our bloodline as pure as the driven snow for eleven generations now.
Jaherys? Is that you?
Damn Ptolemies, won’t share.
This you?
That’s James William Bottomtooth III obviously.
Where have you been?
Roll tide
I might have put in too much softener. I need a fluffer.
Lol my old Maytag is probably the most polite and introverted appliance in my house.
Name and shame!
Friends don’t let other people suffer the same fate.
the scale in this picture is so confusing
anyway my current washer & dryer are pretty good but ive had ones in the past that would have different behaviors like this…unlocking is always one of the more frustrating ones. A previous washing machine would also display a unitless number that counted down until it was done. It didn’t seem to be time based because 18 didn’t mean 18 minutes, it meant 18 more numbers until it was done.
We have a front filter drain model. If draining is stuck you flip the flap open, and uncap the drain tube and lower it into a shallow container. Check the filter, and close the flap. I have had to do this 2-3 times in 5 years
ours is im the basement (rental apartment), quiet but likes to eat socks, the damn thing. I think electric plug is just carmouflage, it runs on socks
Samsung front loader washing machine here.
It is generally musical while selecting program options. It sings a little song when finished, which is only after it unlocks the door. The little song only plays once. The little song can be changed to other tunes by subtle and undocumented button presses.
After about 10 minutes it plays a few notes while turning itself off that are easily recognisable as the notes it plays when it turns itself off, so if you miss the first little song, once you hear that you know it’s definitely finished. After that it is done. No more door locking shenanigans or tumbling or clothes.
Generally I use the “sportswear” cycle which is about 1 hour, my clothes are generally not that dirty. Sometimes I treat towels / linen to a hot cotton cycle which is 2.5 hours and a 90 degree (Celsius) wash.
Had it for 10 years now, no mechanical or electrical issues. I always leave the door ajar when finished and once every few months I do a cleaning cycle.
I also have a Fisher and Paykel dryer. I have owned it for 8 years, in which time it has needed a replacement drive belt as it gets used heavily. The bushes on the drum need replacing soon, but I just turned it upside down so it will last for a while longer
Regarding your door issues, well that’s because idiots try and open the door during a load, and then when it’s locked, they turn it off and still try and open the door. They subsequently complain about the water going everywhere. Don’t forget that manufacturers have to deal with the lowest common denominator end user.
Samsung front loader washing machine here.
Had it for 10 years now, no mechanical or electrical issues.
Good luck. This is probably in your imminent future:
That’s called the “spider arm,” and is the only part in the entire machine that’s exposed to water but made of non-corrosion-resistant metal. It is very obviously designed that way for planned obsolescence.
If your machine starts making a loud thunk and the drum stops turning, that’s the part you need to replace.
Have you actually thought about the first point in your second list, the door? Imagine the machine is running and actually full of water, and turning it off releases the door. Would that really make you happy?
That said, your other points in that category are fair, and honestly incredibly weird. I never had a washer to any of that, but I assume it’s too stop your clothes from wrinkling. Are you sure that can’t be turned off?
I feel that if I should wish to flood my kitchen, I should have that choice.
can’t be turned off
I’m looking at the manual and there’s nothing about programming it. It’s all just knobs and buttons
I mostly fight with AEG’s auto dose, they have built it in a way where the gaskets only lasts a year before it starts dripping liquid detergent.
They gave me a replacement but now it’s dripping again.
Liquid detergent with Auto dose is cool and all, but stick to powder if you want to save yourself some worry.
I took the buzzer off my dryer immediately once I heard it the first time. I don’t need that in my life. 10/10 would recommend to anyone that is even slightly annoyed with a laundry buzzer.
Yea I wonder if op can remove or disable the buzzer somehow.
Edit: what’s your model of washer, OP?
This is literally the most research I’ve ever done on this dryer. It is a GE GTD33EASK0WW