Rep. Dan Crenshaw criticized Apple Maps for not renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, as mandated by Trump’s recent executive order titled “Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness.”
Crenshaw’s complaint reflects broader conservative frustration, as tech platforms and the global community continue to use the original name.
Critics compare the move to past nationalist gestures like renaming french fries “freedom fries,” accusing conservatives of embracing identity politics and culture wars despite their political dominance.
The name change is unlikely to gain international traction.
Only about a third of the Gulf of Mexico is US territory, so how can the US president unilaterally rename it? Seems Mexico has the larger claim to naming rights.
With all the other bullshit, I missed this EO being made. Jesus fuck.
Wait, this is an official thing, not a joke? Is it a law thing?..
Executive Orders are closer to press releases than they are to law. They can say pretty much anything - whether those things are enforceable or even consistent with reality is up to the courts.
Government employees and institutions are bound to act according to executive orders. They are binding. You’re correct they can be challenged in court. EO need to fit under existing laws. EO are often instructions on how to implement an existing law.
Press releases are not binding and might even be outright lies.
Only binding to the federal government though, states, private organizations, and individuals can wipd their ass with them.
Executive Orders are more like a corporate memo to the government. It’s not a law passed by congress, but it can direct the government in how to administer existing laws or regulations.
For people always calling the others “snowflakes” and “easily triggered”, they sure do have a thin skin.
It’s always projection with these people.
Always. Especially the pedo stuff.
I call them hypocrites, but they don’t care.
Maybe, but this is all a distraction from the actions that matter. They don’t want to debate the anti-trans stuff or the immigration stuff, which is objectively bad. They want to debate people not going with a made up name for a thing, which has no objectivity. The longer they can argue about this the less time there is to discuss anything important.
Its not just being thin skinned. It’s a strategy of distraction.
Every accusation
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were so sensitive” is my response to these types IRL.
what’s funny is Trump didn’t directly change the name. that takes time. the relevant naming-people have to take it up and formally do it. All Trump did was order them to, and, uh, that only affects goverment things.
Everybody else, Apple included, are going to be using the familiar name. because Trump is a moron.
Don’t count on it, Apple and Google were both at inauguration
I don’t know… Isn’t naming (and even country boundaries) already localized based on where the users are? Isn’t a possible scenario that Apple and others could show Gulf of America to US users and Gulf of Mexico to everyone else without even spending too much effort?
Yeah there’s already support to name things differently based on your locale. If you have an English locale you see “Germany”. Inside German it’s called Deutschland and if you’re in a Spanish speaking place it’s Alemania.
You could probably distinguish between en-us and en-gb to have different names in the USA and UK.
So yeah I totally think it’s possible.
Great, now I have to chose between correct geographical names and the reasonable spelling words.
I meant something even more radical than translating language. This is Google maps changing borders for disputed territories depending on what side of the dispute the user is: .
I imagine Apple has similar policies too where they adhere to local regulations or just don’t want to piss their users in any country, so they just show everyone what the want to see.
So yes, they do have the tools to do it and on top of that they also have a consolidate tradition of doing it.
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They’ll follow suit. Apple is not the company people think it is. Tim was at the information along with all the other oligarchy. I know people well make excuses like he had to and blah blah blah. But no he did not. This a a openly gay man who chose to go support people who hate him why because he loves money more.
Well yeah, you don’t get into his position by not loving money more than anything else. Hell, even the infamous George Soros if you actually look at his philanthropy it’s basically “a more tolerant and open society is better for capital”
“Facts don’t care about your feelings snowflake.”
Wait until iOS Auto Corrects them typing Gulf of America to Gulf of Mexico but only after they hit send.
They want an efficient government not wasting time and resources on unnecessary things …
They get a government crying over the name of a body of water.
It’s a very important body of water, ok?!
Indeed. It is the hurricane class five generating hot tub. How else could nature teach the most boneheaded MAGA-brains that climate change and global warming is real but by depopulating the coastal states…
Oh, no, it doesn’t work that way for them. See, if a natural disaster strikes a blue city/area, it’s god doling out punishment for their wickedness. If a natural disaster strikes a red city/area, it’s god testing their faith because he loves them so much.
Their God sounds like a dick
You don’t say?
Rename to gulf of Huracán to better represent what it does and the local storm god.
They’ll be blaming the gays anyway.
It will be a body of oil soon enough. Then the world will probably get on board with the new name.
This is one of the worst things of this asshole’s term.
We’re living in a climatic emergency that is going to affect the world forever, reaching a tipping point, and this bastard and his voters are working to accelerate the proccess while the rest of the world tries to fight it. At this point, my only wish is that things like the Los Angeles fires spread in that shithole of a country until there’s nothing left.
Innocents will pay, but so are we, who couldn’t even vote there and will be “enjoying” his actions as if we did.
Fuck is he going to rename Lake Ontario too?! Lol
Their job is to do nothing and cede power and influence to unregulated, uncontrolled private interests of billionaires. It is now, was last week, and was years back. It is the merging and takeover of state power by corporate power.
And, as you no doubt already know, that merger has a name. But maybe it’s Roman inspired…
They say they want an efficient government not wasting time and resources on unnecessary things. What they actually want is a government that makes them feel superior to all the people they’ve been convinced to hate, in this case Mexicans and Leftists. Trump knows this, and gives them what they want so that he can get what he wants, which is free reign to exploit his position and his country for profit while his loyal voter base blindly supports his efforts to usher in their demise.
The senator for North Mexico needs to stop being such a snowflake.
Surprised he hasn’t tried to slap his name on something by EO yet, like a blue state.
“New York is such a weak name-- you know it, I know it-- I had an uncle that went to New York folks, great man, smart man. He told me once with tears in his eyes, New York could be great, but it’s so sad, could be great though. So it needs a biglier name, powerful name, not weak, powerful. From today I’ve decided it’s now called, Trump Trork.”
Real question here: It is titled “Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness.” - Has the Gulf of Mexico ever been named “Gulf of America” in any reasonable historical context, or is this just the usual made-up “fact” from Donald the Jester?
Nope. But Donzo the clown runs the circus now
Actually, the Gulf of Mexico appears called like that around 1500 AD, when the United States were not even an idea of a nation. So no, it never was called like that because it was named centuries before the US existed.
America is not “The United States” in the context of naming global features on a map. We have two continents call that, for example.
Sure, but the name Gulf of Mexico, actually named Golfo de México since it was a Spaniard who named it, doesn’t come from the country of Mexico, but of the Mexica civilization (aztecs for many but called mexihkah in nahuatl), the name comes from the even older name “seno mexicano” (seno meaning gulf or bay).
If any, the other known name was Gulf of New Spain, but I suppose Turd would rather die than call it such name.
In this vein, I’m ok with calling it Gulf of America, the (super)continent, so long as the denonym for people of the USA also changes, since it’s a continent.
Agreed, I’ve been trying to move away from the terms “America” and “American” when discussing specifically The United States or it’s people.
Not doing so is often at insult to the majority of people living in the Americas.
Alright folks, time to pick a demonym! Cast your votes on USAians or Absolute Units.
I vote for Usan, pronounced YOO-sn.
It’s weird how people seem to think that demonyms should match the name of the country exactly…
Should we also say “united kingdomer”?
No. We say English, for England, and Irish for Ireland, and Scottish for Scotland, and Welsh for Wales. French for France. German, Germany. Italian, Italy. Japanese, Japan. Canadian, Canada. Australian, Australia. Brazilian, Brazil. Mexican, Mexico.
I mean come on.
“British” isn’t a thing?
How colonial of you to determine that you get to tell other people what they should be called.
British does refer to the English blokes though. Don’t call a proud Scotsman that you think him to be British.
Arguably the Welsh and Scots are British, the English are filthy fucking Saxons.
“British” isn’t a thing?
Not really, no.
A Scott wouldn’t because it would associate them with England, a Welshman wouldn’t, because it would associate them with England.
And I wouldn’t, because someone might think I’m Welsh or Scottish. 🤷
"Well I’m going to call you british because you’re from the british isles. "
This is my point - you don’t get to define how others refer to themselves.
Maybe Gulf of (Central) America
Agreed. We should no longer be referred to as Americans, and instead let’s call ourselves the Shitholes.
Google Maps still calls it Gulf of Mexico also. And they still call that mountain “Denali”. It isn’t just Apple that didn’t drop everything to push out a software update to hundreds of million of devices in less than 24 hours for nonsense.
The Gulf of Mexico didn’t choose its supposed new name. This is not deadnaming. The use of the word in this context trivializes and distorts what it means. Shame on Gizmodo.
Its making fun of how Conservatives will deadname actual people but then throw a hissy fit when folks dont immediately change how they refer to something of little relevance. Its drawing attention to their braindead hypocrisy.
Gotcha, thanks for the good-faith explanation. Sometimes I have a hard time picking up on sarcasm. Fuck them reactionary nazis.
Honestly they do this shit every couple of decades usually with food for some fucking reason, best two examples are “Liberty sandwich” with hamburgers and “Freedom fries” with French fries.
They haven’t updated the name in the geographical systems, so nobody is calling it that yet.
This is foreshadowing dark times ahead.
Le’s rename Dan Crenshaw to One-Eye Jack first
Apple is not beholden to executive orders… No private company is.
I mean yes they could be if the order affected them. I mean as everyone famously says they are beholden to the rules of the country they are in.
EOs are not laws and can only direct the federal government’s actions. The President has no authority to unilaterally control a company, except for scenarios where it is interacting with the federal government. Just like the “two genders” EO, it only applies to the federal government. States and companies can continue to support non-binary and other options for sex and gender identity.
One can more or less envision the President as the CEO of Federal Government, Inc. and executive orders as internal memos to the employees.
If you don’t work there, following the memo is not your problem.
But if you do any kind of business with someone who does work there, you can be hit by the secondhand effects.
No, executive orders are not laws, and they apply only to the federal government. The reason for that is the president is not a king, and so their word cannot be law. That requires congress to make the law, and the Supreme Court to uphold it, if that law is challenged.
Ahem. Umm, conservatives are angry that others are not calling something what THEY want it to be called?
Hmm. So… I just feel like… perhaps, there’s a similarity here. Some people… want to be referred to a specific way… but usually conservatives have a problem with that.
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How about the rest of the world rename it to the “Gulf of Snowflakes” and see what America does
Well that just wouldn’t make any sense, they hardly get any snow down there!
The three foot snow drift against my back door here in New Orleans would beg to differ.
Tbf, nothing like that has ever happened here before. I wonder if any kind of change is causing this? Hmmm.
As someone up north we used to get those all the time, but they’ve gotten rare. I miss them
I used to live up north too. Don’t really miss them, ha. But I lived in the city so it just made everything a pain. Nothing fun like sledding or snow forts.
Its just nice to look out the windows and see a beautiful snowy landscape. Unlike a week later when everything is a gray haze and it’s something like -10c
What are the odds that a snowflake would rename the Gulf of Mexico and then it immediately actually snows on the Gulf of Mexico?!
On a serious note, hope you all are doing OK down there and it will melt ASAP.
Thanks, I think everything will be alright if people just stay off the roads for a few days. We’re used to driving through water but not on ice.
Probably a freak tilting of the Earth’s disc. Nothing to worry about.
They currently have blizzard warnings, or they did yesterday.
New Orleans, Louisiana is currently covered in snow, I think Gulf of Snowflakes might actually be accurate right now.
I stand corrected
That’s literally what the headline is. “Deadnaming” is a term for referring to transgender people by their previous names, rather than their current names.
So, the Gulf of They/Them is what the rest of the world should call it? I can get behind that.
Let’s just call it the gulf of shit and dump all conservatives in there.