• CharlesReed@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    Nothing super crazy, but when I was in high school, my family lived in a big, newly built two story house that, to me, had some very weird and off vibes to it. There must have been something attached to the land, because 1) it was a brand new house, 2) the house we lived in before was also ‘haunted’, but in a different way, and 3) all the houses my parents moved into afterwards were fine.
    Often when I was home alone, I would hear doors open and close in other parts of the house, and stuff would move around a lot on their own. More than once I would set something down, leave the room for a few minutes, and then come back to the item being in a different spot.
    Once I woke up to breathing in my room. Very steady, heavy breathing, like someone trying to calm themselves or meditating or something. Even after I turned on my light and checked the other bedrooms, the closet, etc, I could still hear it, but only in my room (and no, it wasn’t me lol). I weirdly wasn’t scared or anything, I just couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. After I laid back down to go back to sleep, I had what felt like a hand press up against my back between my shoulder blades. Not pushing or aggressive, but like someone just put their hand there.
    The weirdest thing that happened was one morning I got up to feed my cat, and while she was eating, the bowl slide across the floor and hit the wall with so much force that it knocked out a bunch of food. Scared the shit out of the cat, who ran across the room (while still eating what was in her mouth lol).
    Almost everyone I tell the story to says “Oh, obviously your cat was just messing with the bowl.” Nah. She was a kitten at the time, and there is no way she would have enough power or strength to move a bowl a third her size and full of food with the force or speed that it moved at. When I say it hit the wall, it hit the wall. There were little kibble bits everywhere. Plus, she doesn’t play with her food like that.
    idk what was going on with that house, but like I said, it had some weird vibes.

    • vampy3k @lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Freaky. I had the same thing happen to me with the breathing. Woke up to breathing in my room, somewhere behind me. I was too scared to turn around (not the first “creepy” thing in my house either). Went on for a minute or two, then a gentle touch on the back of my neck, I got this weird sense of safety, and it was gone.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    I have this recurring dream where I’m in my great grandmother’s house. Sometimes she’s there, but obviously deceased, but still holding conversation like nothing is wrong. Other times the house is empty. Every dream I’m there I’m trying to get out and it seems like something is pulling me back in.

    When I lived there over a summer in my childhood, when granny was alive, my brother and sister and I all agreed it was haunted and had stories to tell about the voices and figures we saw. We discovered several years later that the 80 year old house was built on top of an old civil war graveyard.

    The supernatural part is, as a 29 year old adult, I was explaining those dreams to my brother and sister and they each said they have them too. Same details, same deceased great grandmother, trying to get out.

    She passed when I was 18 and none of us have been there since. The house might not even be there. I heard it was demolished and rebuilt. But the dreams still come fairly regularly

    • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      I used to have much more pleasant recurring dreams with her son, my grandpa, where we’d just sit on his couch and chat. Then last year in the last dream I had of him, he said he had to go and that I wouldn’t see him again. He also told me he was proud of me and that he liked my wife. And I hugged him before the dream ended.

      Sure enough, those dreams stopped coming. I wish the evil house ones would too.

      The weirdest thing is that my last dream of my grandpa happened around the time my brother’s son was born. It’s not hard for me to ponder every now and then that my grandpa chose to reincarnate. It’s all rather spooky

  • mommykink@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Watched the first six seasons over a week while recovering from mono. I have no explanation for what I did or what I saw.

  • CombatWombatEsq@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Growing up, I was Mormon (though I no longer am), and I served my mission in Russia. I was serving in a little town outside Moscow called Lobyna (meaning “the place of the skull”), and it was mid-winter and my companion (that’s what the other missionary in a pair is called) and I were sign-boarding, handing out free Books of Mormon. I noticed that there was a man who had walked by our station a couple of times, dressed kinda bedraggled – I noticed him because he wasn’t wearing any shoes – who seemed interested in talking but shy about starting a conversation. I offered him a copy of the book, and struck up a reasonably pleasant conversation that resulted in my inviting him to take the discussions by meeting with us in the church building.

    Our companionship lived on the second floor of the church building, which was a converted dacha (a Russian summer home), and then the first floor and half of the second floor was reserved for church activities. We scheduled our meeting with this investigator (I don’t remember his name, it’s been a few years) to be right after morning study, so we didn’t have to leave the house and come back.

    Come the day of, and I go downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast, and lo and behold, our new investigator is sitting in the middle of the biggest room (the chapel/former living room) on a folding chair just waiting. I called down my companion, and we did our discussion earlier than expected, which was fine, and then did morning study afterwards. I don’t remember a lot of that first meeting, other than he seemed like a reasonable Russian Orthodox member who was chatting with American missionaries. What I do remember is that when I went to let the investigator out, I had to unbolt both front doors to do it.

    After he’d left, I asked my companion if next time he’d please tell me when he lets people into our house, to which he replied that he didn’t let the investigator in, he just assumed I’d done it. This was when I started to get concerned. You see, Russian doors aren’t like American doors. Generally speaking, there are two doors – a wooden door with a lock like I’m used to, and then a “fire door”, which is like an inch and a half thick steel with five deadbolts into the frame (three into the wall, and one into each of the floor and ceiling). This isn’t a “tee-hee” kinda situation to open up the door to get in, you would have to do major structural damage to enter through a door. And it was mid-winter (like -30 - -40 degrees mid-winter), so it wasn’t like we forgot and left a window open or something. We resolved to be extra certain to lock up the house next time.

    Which is why it was so surprising when, a few days later, he was sitting in the middle of the chapel-living-room waiting for our appointment an hour early again. We had checked all the bolts and windows and everything, yet there he was. And this time, the discussion went thoroughly off the rails. He was telling us about how the spirits of the dead congregate behind a comet that circles the solar system, and that they’re awaiting the confluence of some celestial bodies and would get free and so on. We wrapped up the conversation and did not invite him back, and never saw him again.

    And sure as shootin’, when we checked the doors and windows when he left, they were all still locked and barred. It’s been 15 years and I still don’t know how he got into our house.

    • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      did not invite him back

      That was either the best or worst decision of your life. You’ll find out eventually…

    • gears@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      Do you think he was related to the comet cult from the late 90s? Can’t remember they’re name rn

    • dogVdog@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Thanks for sharing that. That is creepy. Maybe he knew the house and used a cellar door or tunnel entrance. Or maybe he was a ghost. Cool story.

  • icerunner_origin@startrek.website
    7 months ago

    Not a big one. In my 20s, asleep in bedroom, girlfriend asleep next to me. I wake up and see dancing, glowing blue filaments, about 20cm long, moving through the bedroom. No sound, bedroom is otherwise completely dark. It was a similar glow to Cherenkov Radiation, but at a much smaller scale, and clearly defined, glowing threads.

    Wake girlfriend who grumpily agrees they exist before falling asleep again.

    5 minutes later they just stop and I never see them again.

    We were the only people in the house, in a room with blackout curtains and with all electrical items turned off at the wall (UK plugs rule).

    Still no explanation to this day.

    • tal@lemmy.today
      7 months ago

      This doesn’t explain your girlfriend saying that she saw it, but if she just said she did because she wanted to go back to sleep (which seems consistent with her going right back to sleep and being grouchy about being woken up), perhaps this. Apparently, the same sort of phenomenon that produces lucid dreaming, being on the edge of sleep and wakefulness, can also produce hallucinations. These are usually visual, and seeing lines has apparently been reported.


      Hypnagogia is the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep, also defined as the waning state of consciousness during the onset of sleep. Its opposite state is described as hypnopompia – the transitional state from sleep into wakefulness. Mental phenomena that may occur during this “threshold consciousness” phase include hypnagogic hallucinations, lucid dreaming, and sleep paralysis.

      Signs and symptoms

      Transition to and from sleep may be attended by a wide variety of sensory experiences. These can occur in any modality, individually or combined, and range from the vague and barely perceptible to vivid hallucinations.


      Among the more commonly reported, and more thoroughly researched, sensory features of hypnagogia are phosphenes which can manifest as seemingly random speckles, lines or geometrical patterns, including form constants, or as figurative (representational) images. They may be monochromatic or richly coloured, still or moving, flat or three-dimensional (offering an impression of perspective). Imagery representing movement through tunnels of light is also reported. Individual images are typically fleeting and given to very rapid changes. They are said to differ from dreams proper in that hypnagogic imagery is usually static and lacking in narrative content, although others understand the state rather as a gradual transition from hypnagogia to fragmentary dreams, i.e., from simple Eigenlicht to whole imagined scenes.

  • candyman337@sh.itjust.worksM
    7 months ago

    My parents live in a house built by my great grandmother, when I was a kid, about 7, just before I went to take a bath I saw the spirit of an old woman walk out of my parents room and into mine.

    She walked out, paused and looked at me, and then walked into my room. I. was. PETRIFIED. Although I knew if I told my dad something he wouldn’t believe me, so I put tried to not think about it as I had to walk towards the side of the house she had just walked from to take a bath lol. Nothing else happened that night. I didn’t recognize the woman but I remembered her face.

    A few weeks later I was going to sit down in our front room. On the table next to the chair I was going to sit in was one of my mom’s lamps, it was ornate and had a small glass pane slotted into a piece of wood. We always had an obituary card wedged in there so that it would show through the glass, but I never really read it or looked at it, it was one of those things that kind of just faded into the background for me. Especially since I’m ADHD, my brain kind of just filters out stuff sometimes. Even though I never really looked at it, my mom had told me it was my great grandmother’s obituary card. Well, as I was sitting down I happened to glance at it, and I had to do a double take, that was the woman I saw!

    I asked my dad when about my great grandmother lived here, where everyone’s bedroom’s were. He said “Well, Mimi had my bedroom, and yours was your grandmother’s and her sister’s.” That about confirmed it for me: I had seen the spirit of my great grandmother performing her nightly check up on her daughters. After that day sometimes if felt like she was watching over me in my room, although that could have just been in my head since I had seen her walk in.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    The rude fact that atoms congregate in growing-organisms, which, at some arbitrary future time, change from growing/self-sustaining organisms, into disintegrating-corpses.

    Physicalism/materialism/existentialism hard-line ignores that blunt fact, but it’s obvious that it is actual, & has a cause.

    I hold that the cause is in the intersection ( Venn diagram ) between entanglement & quantum probabilitywave.

    Neither particle mass, nor charge, nor spin, explain it, obviously.

    I’m fed-up with their gaslighting about it.

    It is their ideology/prejudice that quantum-mechanics has nothing, categorically, to do with life.

    Once that dogma goes, then reality can get in.

    Scientism can go eat rocks:

    Science is a method, not a dogma, and it REQUIRES that one’s worldview/paradigm yield when evidence contradicts it.

    As Einstein said: either NOTHING is miraculous, XOR … EVERYTHING is.

    He happened to be right, on that point.

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Prophetic dreams. Never about anything important, nothing I could have predicted, and way, way, too detailed to be chance. I used to record my dreams, in my early and mid 20s and some of them did happen. It pissed me off so much because I want to believe the future has not yet happened.

      • RBWells@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Can’t do that but could tell that the scale at the bank would be broken, and that I would see someone I’d not seen in years at that bank on the day the scale was broken, and that is be in back of 3 people in line that day, all women. What the fuck?

        It is as always on only ever stupid, detailed useless stuff like that, and if I’d not been writing down the dreams when I had them I’d not have known. Maybe everyone has them.

    • candyman337@sh.itjust.worksM
      7 months ago

      I used to have small moments like that just before waking up. I vividly remember seeing a vision of myself dropping and breaking one of my mom’s favorite mugs in a dream, and I woke up and I told myself never to touch that mug again.

      Well, come one day in winter my mom asks me to make her some hot chocolate while I’m making mine, sure enough, as I’m walking with her mug to the counter I drop it and it shatters exactly as I had seen in the dream.

      It’s so frustrating because it’s like, you’re not showing me to prevent it, WHY am I seeing it???

  • Squeezer@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    We were standing in the pub, and I’d just bought a round. I gave my mate a fresh pint, and like a complete piss head he let it slip through his fingers. It landed on the floor between us with a thunk, not a single drop spilled. It just nailed the landing, completely solid. Fucking witchcraft.

  • eponymous_anonymous@sh.itjust.works
    7 months ago

    Fell asleep on the TTC (Toronto subway) one time while we were travelling along a particularly old part of the tunnels.

    I was dozing and staying kind of peripherally aware of my surroundings. Late at night, old model of subway car. One or two people at the other end of the car, in one of the cars far down the line away from the driver, second or third from the rear car.

    Going through a section of tunnel, in the dark between one light and the next, I suddenly felt… surrounded. My eyes were closed, and for a second or two I distinctly felt the sensation of hands. All over my body, like I was passing through a crowd of people all grabbing at my arms, my legs, my hair. Cold, like holding your hands in your armpits on a winter day when you forget your gloves. Reaching, grasping like pickpockets. Desperate somehow, like the eyes of a scared animal.

    The sensation fled as swiftly as it arrived, either a result of passing beyond an area of influence, or a symptom of leaving a particular state of mind. I opened my eyes, and it was gone.

    I don’t know how many lost souls search for answers along those tracks, hoping for relief, warmth, company, safety. I’ve seen many homeless folk that catch a few minutes of sleep on those cars late at night; I wonder how many others travel unseen.

    I never fell asleep on the subway again.

  • Dr. Coomer@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It’s cheesy, but we were on a ghost tour in NYC or Washington and were passing by a cemetery when the tour guide was telling a story of how a woman killed her husband and that he was in the cemetery, and next to the tree in the cemetery in the corner of my eye, there was a woman where a white dress.