Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true/false
Testingcheatsenabled true
And finally testingcheats true
The entire shortening of the Sims cheat codes.
Also motherlode.
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas was the mnemonic when Pluto was still a planet. I suppose not totally obsolete but I find myself ending at “nine” instead of something you’d serve beginning with N.
“Served Us Nine” works tbh… There’s 9 of us and we all got served… Seems fair
The password to reach Mike Tyson / Mr dream in Punch-Out! is 007-373-5963. Burned into my brain.
If you put as your name grm3110 in NBA jam you can play as death
6922251 x 8 = 55378008
Is this obselete? Did multiplication and boobies disappear?
I hope not but I assume the opportunities to bust this trick out in math class has been mostly diminished or forgotten about
I know it primarily as a cheat code in Star Wars pod racer on N64, but I’ve seen it in other games too, and even referenced in different non-gaming contexts. I still don’t really know what it means.
When I was a kid I remembered it as “RR-Tan-Genta-Bacus”. It wasn’t until decades later I realised it is real words “tangent”, “abacus”.
IDKFA & IDDQD and off you go. Lots of childhood memories.
Is it really obsolete when Doom is still played to this day?
That’s true! I still play it from time to time, although I do not need the cheats nowadays anymore. There is something about the design that was never matched by any of the new doom games. For me, all the demons look the same in the modern games.
So in that regard it has not yet been superseded, at least for me.
IDSPISPOPD was fun too.
I can recite the names of the Books of the New Testament in the bible by heart. I’m not even Christian.
Former NBA players Jarrett Jack and Chris Duhon are cousins.
The 7 names of the antique greek Muses:
UraniaIt wouldn’t be antiquity if the 7 anything were actually 7 would it?
Don’t you complain when you have paid for 7 but got 9! 😉
doom cheat codes:
IDDQD, god mode
IDKFA, ammo
IDSPISPOPD, no clip i thinkI don’t ever remember using the last one, but I’m sure I knew a code for no clip.
They changed it to idclip in doom2
I’m sure I remember using it in the first game, but it was a long time ago 👴🏻
SPISPOPD stands for ‘Smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris’.
Back in the usenet days I remember someone making a crappy freeware game with that title.
That’s right, a cheat code in a game inspired the creation of another game.
The cheat code was inspired by a Usenet meme, could be the game was also inspired by the meme
obsolete knowledge
doom cheat codes
The second article on is about Doom (running on PDFs)
Can I use the cheats on the PDF doom? 🤔
You can’t, but they work in the CAPTCHA Doom.
Unless they’ve removed it from the game, I assume so.
You could use the IDKFA code in MechWarrior 2 as well.
If you did, it would immediately eject you from the mech and display a message something along the lines of “this isn’t doom you idiot”.
Same in Heretic - IDKFA takes all your weapons and ammo, IDDQD kills you.
And I think both codes do a similar thing in Earthworm Jim.
C9 means RET
Loading a program from disk on the Commodore 64
I haven’t loaded a game on that system since I was probably 10 or so, but I’ll never forget the command.
I memorized it as L-O-A-D shift-2 star shift-2 comma eight comma one.
I choose to believe that the * means everything… but what does the 8,1 signify?
There’s another user who replied to me who answered much better than I could.
Fun fact: There’s a common misconception that this would load the first program on a disk, but it actually loads the most recently loaded program from the disk. If the disk is detected as being freshly inserted (as determined by the 2-character identifier in the disk’s directory header), that defaulted to the first program in the disk’s directory.
Admittedly, most of the time that makes it a distinction without a difference, but if you’d loaded something else from the same disk first, and you then wanted to load the first in the directory, you would need to use
instead.That extra colon is vaguely related to the colon in
on Windows computers. A lone colon was taken as an abbreviation of0:
, because in Commodore DOS(es) the drive “letters” were numbers. Dual slot drives were possible and then the two slots were0:
.“So what’s the
for in theLOAD
command?” you might ask; "Isn’t that the drive “letter” "? No, that’s the device number. Note that drives on the 8-bit Commodores were always external. The8
was more like the drive’s “IP address” on the serial bus.“What about the
?” That meant toLOAD
the program at the memory address specified by the program’s header on the disk. Without that, the computer would ignore the header and try to load into BASIC memory.The neat part about loading at any address meant that it could overwrite parts of zero-page where the computer kept pointers to important internal functions. Overwrite the right one of those and the computer could be convinced to jump to a routine in the program that had just loaded without the user needing to type
.So, if you wanted to be i) certain of loading the first program in the directory of ii) the disk in the second slot of iii) a dual-slot drive on the serial bus identifying as device/address 9, and then iv) have the program load at its preferred memory location, you’d need to use
The number of people who found the need to type that command in earnest, even back in the heyday of Commodore, probably numbers in the low tens, but there it is.
How’s that for an obscure info dump?
You’re the person I enjoy talking with at parties.
you little wonder, you
Along these lines, I have several important memory locations memorized. POKE 53280 and 1 to change the border and background colors. 828 is the cassette buffer, and 49152 the free memory above BASIC ROM. SYS 64738 resets the machine.
I also can recite the powers of 2 up to 65536.