Mine installed a pegboard in the pantry. It’s incredibly useful for hanging up pots and pans.
They had me. Right now I’m back at my parents’ house.
Kept the left over floor tiles. Nearly 30 years later I needed to replace one, had a box ready to go.
Remember folks, you’re supposed to leave extra shit like this behind for exactly this reason
Some day those VGA cables will be needed
And the pouch with the CDs I’ve burnt with my favourite albums from 2010 that I’ll play in a truck I’ll steal once the zombie apocalypse starts
Mine hired a bad realtor who listed the house poorly. It means we didn’t compete with cash offers and could actually buy the house.
My friend got his townhouse that way. It was a pretty decent place, and nobody was interested because there were, like, 2 almost-identical exterior shots, maybe one of the kitchen? and 5 from the master bedroom. None from the living room or anything like that
Mine had a single grainy outside shot, worse than Google Street view at the time and called it a contractors special. They essentially put all the red flags they could in the listing, for what was a very manageable purchase (yes we did the flooring before we moved in, and fixed some walls, but we were looking at full guts before, just to get anything.)
I wish there was a website listing bad or lazy realtors.
That’s how we got our first place. The sellers still got 2x what they’d paid for it seven or eight years before. But the price was relatively low, so we could afford it.
They installed some sort of sound isolating suspended/floating (?) ceiling in my apartment. I absolutely love it. In my neighbors apartment I could constantly hear people above, but in mine it’s almost always silent.
I have a terrible problem in my apartment with noise through the ceiling. I am curious what this is that you have installed as I havent seen any good options such as this. Can you take a picture of this or something? I would love to explore options to get rid of the noise.
Is it something like this?
The owner prior to the last planted fruit trees in the 70s. I love having fresh fruit to eat/share.
The previous owner switched the central AC to split units. Definitely saves on electricity being able to cool/heat individual rooms vs the entire house.
In my previous house, the previous owners left a folder with information about various known quirks, which came in handy. They also left a manuals for things like the stove and fireplace, as well as contact info for contractors they had used over the years. It ended up being a sort of owner’s manual for the house that we really appreciated. We did the same when we moved out.
My current house… There’s an under-cabinet CD player/radio in the kitchen that I almost never use, and the previous owners left the soundtrack to the Trolls movie in it, so I guess there’s that?
Literally trolled.
How the fuck do yall afford houses?
I got lucky on the fact that I’m old now so I was able to buy a house in 2014 with a low interest rate. I also live in a low cost of living area, my mortgage, which includes property taxes and house insurance is $1k/mo. The majority is that goes to taxes and insurance, interest is about $60/mo. I have 5 more years on the 15 yr mortgage. I’ve gotten lucky that we’ve not had to have any major repairs in the past ten years, but I was looking for houses that were who built with good roofing and hvac systems since those are the two killers. The house has a lot of dated aesthetics from every decade from the sixties onwards, but that stuff is easy and cheap, plus you’re probably going to do that kind of stuff anyway.
In the living room they routed audio cables through the walls for a surround sound system
…can’t think of a single thing.
Fuck you, Larry.
And that’s why we were able to afford it.
Same. The redneck stuff would be more concerning if I didn’t know how to fix redneck stuff.
Soundproofing in the wall shared with next door unit. Like, really good soundproofing. I can’t recall hearing anything from them ever.
Bad landlord move: IDK WTF they were thinking with the shower. There are SO MANY little nooks and crannies that are narrower than a pencil. I spray so much crap in there trying to prevent mold. I hate it. Landlord is lucky I’m a diligent tenant, most would let his bathroom rot, it takes so much work to keep it clean. When I build a house the shower will be SO SMOOTH and I’m going to lay it out so I can just plug in a power washer and spray it down.
Fill them with clear silicone caulk.
Bars on the windows and a nice big hedgerow out front. Extra security, and occasional package deliveries are obscured from the street to deter porch pirates.
Put the sump pump pit next to drain, so if the pump stops, the water just flows into the drain. Illegal, but who’s looking?
Screwed up every single bit of electrical wiring. I’ve learned so much replacing it all.
Somebody installed a sump pump fairly recently. There’s plenty of evidence that the basement used to be partially finished, but it was probably all ripped out due to water damage. It’s dry now, thanks to the pump.
I just un-finished my basement to put in a full perimeter drain. Prior owners put in a partial drain and (re?) finished over everything. Took 5 years to get (visible) water down there but when it happened I wasn’t surprised. So much other stuff had been covered up that I just kind of assumed there were issues behind the paneling. And there were. More bucks to clean it up and finish the demo of a side room they had partitioned off. Then I found out that the chimney leaked when it rained sideways.
…it’s been an eventful and expensive year. 💀
That’s why I’m thankful somebody did it before I moved in! The chimney, on the other hand, didn’t have a cap, so it leaked when the rain fell vertically. The re-lining and new cap was pretty expensive, too.