Obvious is obvious.
Well yeah, they are pretending to be Republicans as much as they were pretending to be Democrats before.
They are billionaires. The only thing they care about is money. And maybe not getting shot.
I think Musk’s full conversion to attention-seeking grifter came when one of his kids came out as trans.
Pretty sure the change occurred when he fired his social media manager and began personally handling his online presence. You can’t just become this terrible in your 50s.
People love to forget that the Clinton’s were at trump and Melinia’s wedding in 2005
They likely all four hated each other back then too, but trump gave a lot of money to the party and wanted a former president there.
But Hillary’s always been about the money and her people have been running the DNC ever since.
We have to come to the realization that at least some of the big money donors are just as shitty as trump, and they’re not just getting Bill to show up at weddings for payback.
The neo liberal movement has destroyed the Dem party, and we’re just now getting the chance to get another type of leadership in the party
That was over a decade before he ran for president and was rightfully seen as an eccentric celebrity. Obama wasn’t even in his first term yet.
So you think trump was a good guy back then?
He’s always been a piece of shit, and that’s the type of people neoliberals take money from…
Like, yeah, it was before Obama’s first term, but you forget it was supposed to be “Hillary’s turn” just 3 years after that wedding.
She was in fundraising mode for 2008, and the money trump gave was used to try and stop Obama in the Dem primary
That’s what I’m getting at.
People like trump pay to make sure the furtherest left the Dems go is still on the right economically.
Trump was openly a Democrat back then.
Before he went national, NYC politics were more important to his business, and NYC politics - like all major metros - are Democratic.
Yes and this is completely in line with the theme of this post. They are all pretending
that is not pretending.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Tim Sweeney: They should stop pretending and be genuine assholes… Like me!
The “Tim Sweeney” is an asshole take, is the easiest way to spot the bottom tier of PC gamer.
Guy could have taken his Fortnite billions and built a compound in New Zealand to fuck off to, but instead he literally spent his fortune launching legal campaigns against the biggest monopolies in the world to break them up and actually change competition law going forward, both in Europe and the US, but PC gamers think he’s an asshole because they tried to use exclusive games to get their store off the ground.
Get some perspective on the bigger picture.
We think he’s an asshole because it how he tries to destroy the thing that actually would prevent monopolies, Linux.
He’s his mad the monopolies aren’t his.
He does not try to destroy Linux, Epic literally just consistently makes the decision to not actively support a platform that’s probably not profitable for them to actually support, given that most other developers don’t support it either.
He was also the one leading the charge against the Windows Store when Microsoft launched it, out of fears that they would use it anti-competitively like Apple / Google do theirs (and this is long before the Epic store).
You thing he’s an asshole because his company has made decisions that inconvenient you personally, so you think he’s an asshole and all his motivations are thus dickish. Launching quixotic anti-trust campaigns against Apple and Google, the largest companies in the world (that literally dwarf Epic by orders of magnitude), was never a smart business decision, and never a campaign Epic was likely to win. It was a shot in a million to try and use their Fortnite fortune to actually enact meaningful change.
blah blah blah blah get tim sweeney’s cock and balls out of your mouth before you choke
Found Tim Weenies Lemmy account.
Yeah well, when everyone else goes “I don’t like two launchers on my PC so he’s the devil incarnate and everything he does is evil”, it’s hard to defend him without it looking like his account.
I’m not saying he’s even necessarily not an asshole, I don’t know him personally, I just know that things that PC gamers hate on him for pale in comparison to the things anti-trust campaigners praise him for.
Look dude, Gabe Newell and Tim Sweeney are capitalists just like anyone else with a big business. They make decisions based on profit, not on doing the most good. Breaking Terms of Service to get on the Apple store wasn’t a fucking holy war to save gamers from an evil corporation, it was one evil corporation taking a stab at another evil corporation because they wanted a cut of the profits.
Jesus, stop treating these people like they give a fuck about anything other than money. Valve is such a good example and people fucking flip out when you point out that nearly every positive thing they’ve ever done was actually forced on them due to legislation of some kind. Like being able to return games in a 2-hour play window? Pretty sure that was Australia that forced that one.
“Valve is a United States company with 2.2 million Australian accounts which received 21,124 tickets in the relevant period containing the word “refund” from consumers with Australian IP addresses,” Justice Edelman wrote in his judgement.
“Yet it had a culture by which it formed a view without Australian legal advice that it was not subject to Australian law, and it was content to proceed to trade with Australian consumers without that advice and with the view that even if advice had been obtained that Valve was required to comply with Australian law the advice might have been ignored.”
A court found in May that Steam’s website breached Australian Consumer Law because it stated consumers were not entitled to a refund and had no access to minimum quality guarantees.
Valve literally set up in Australia without ever once consulting Australian law, that’s the definition of being a sucky fucking business that’s more concerned with profit than, you know, following the law. They literally told gamers to go fuck themselves and that if they bought a game that was broken on release, they didn’t deserve a “minimum quality guarantee.”
Valve sucks, Epic sucks, they all suck because they’re all capitalists dude. In the end, the money matters, not the gamers, they’re just the source of the money. They only ever do genuinely good things when forced to by outside parties.
Look dude, Gabe Newell and Tim Sweeney are capitalists just like anyone else with a big business. They make decisions based on profit, not on doing the most good
Everyone who runs a big business has to understand how capitalism works, that does not mean they have to believe in it as a system, nor does it mean they have to make every decision to maximize profit at every possible step. Especially when the company is privately controlled.
Breaking Terms of Service to get on the Apple store wasn’t a fucking holy war to save gamers from an evil corporation, it was one evil corporation taking a stab at another evil corporation because they wanted a cut of the profits.
It was a shot in a million stab, and it was a stab that if landed, would give every single software developer more money, instead of Apple hoarding it for no reason.
Stop acting like since both sides are corporations, both of their arguments will lead to equally bad outcomes. This is literally just a false equivalency fallacy.
Valve sucks, Epic sucks, they all suck because they’re all capitalists dude. In the end, the money matters, not the gamers, they’re just the source of the money. They only ever do genuinely good things when forced to by outside parties.
Even if I accept your premise that it’s impossible that Tim Sweeney is a human being motivated by human emotions and desires, it still does not matter, because Epic’s crusade to break up monopolies will mean less money that Apple hoards for no reason, and more money going to the developers actually creating the software you use. It is an objectively better outcome.
There’s a reason that EU regulators agree with Epic, and it’s not because they’re motivated by Epic’s profit margins.
There’s a reason that EU regulators agree with Epic, and it’s not because they’re motivated by Epic’s profit margins.
No offense, but the EU regulators shouldn’t need Tim Sweeney making this clear to them. They should have done something about monopolization on their own a decade ago. It’s honestly really pathetic that it took a large company taking on another large company for them to even notice this was a problem. The Apple store has been a monopolization tactic since day one. Apple’s app store has been around since 2008. It’s 2024.
If we’re all waiting on corporations to save us, we’re fucked.
All of which were 100% profit-driven, and conveniently ignoring Epic’s many sins not limited to the one I personally despise him the most for: killing the Linux and Mac builds of rocket league. Epic bought the studio and nuked the Linux version, no apology.
All of which were 100% profit-driven
You’re reasoning for that is:
- more competition and a level playing field will make it more profitable for smaller companies like Epic
which means that to you, it’s literally impossible for any company that’s not an anti-competitive monopoly to try and change competition law, since it will benefit them and then it’s not altruistic, right?
conveniently ignoring Epic’s many sins not limited to the one I personally despise him the most for: killing the Linux and Mac builds of rocket league. Epic bought the studio and nuked the Linux version, no apology.
And Rocket League is still alive and well and widely played to this day, including through Proton on Linux, something that can’t necessarily be said about many other games from its era. You’re acting like if they hadn’t bought Psyonix that Psyonix would still be alive and well and devoted to nothing but Rocket League to this day.
Someone has drunk the koolaid. What makes you think that anything Sweeney pushes would lead to fairer competition and not just skew things in favour of Epic?
He’s not different. He’s just playing the underdog.
You don’t have to “drink the koolaid”, you just have to understand how monopolies and anti-competitive markets always lead to abuse. In this specific case, that would look like Apple and Android’s unavoidable 30% cut of revenue for every single sale.
The list of companies not sucking the gross orange ding dong is getting mighty small. I was not expecting Epic to be on that list.
That did surprise me as well. I might need to readjust my opinion of him.
While I wouldn’t accuse him of having the intelligence to make a “calculated move” – he has an extensive history of making decisions based on how it might make him look in the eyes of
his suckersnaive gamers. If you remember the beginning of his beef with Google and Apple – Epic prepared an entire 80-page lawsuit and an animated short film before intentionally breaking ToS, positioning themselves as the messiah that will save the gamers from the evil corporations.He obviously has something to gain from voicing a dissenting opinion. Remain skeptical, question everything.
Tencent owns epic and was just put on a list of Chinese military companies which is probably bad for him
This should not be surprising to anyone.
The literal only reason people think he’s an asshole is because PC gamers got all butt hurt about Epic trying to use exclusive games to get their store off the ground and compete with Steam / consoles.
On the other side of that, he has repeatedly called out Microsoft, Apple, Google, et al for their monopolistic gatekeeping practices, and has spent Epic’s Fortnite fortune intentionally launching massively expensive legal campaigns to get these monopolies broken up, have anti-trust law changed, and set legal precedents that they can’t be so abusive.
Every PC gamer on Reddit and Lemmy praising Gabe Newell and shitting on Tim Sweeney, are quite frankly, insanely ill-informed at best, and flat out single-issue idiots at worst.
I wouldn’t dislike Tim Sweeney so much if he didn’t write off Linux so much.
He’s diehard on primarily having the Epic Games Store support Windows, which is ironically the most monopolistic and anti-consumer OS right now.
(minor edit to acknowledge Windows isn’t the only platform since the EGS is also available on Mac)
which is ironically the most monopolistic and anti-consumer OS right now.
Really? Because
a) Windows is objectively less monopolistic and anti-competitive than iOS and Android
b) and it is pretty much equal to MacOS in this regard.
Them supporting Windows isn’t a matter of boosting the most anti-competitive OS, but following the easiest path, which is one of supporting anti-competitive OSes.
And yeah, overall, I would also prefer Epic to better support Linux. I’m hoping that Proton might convince them it’s a low enough lift to do but I’m not exactly holding my breath.
Desktop OSes, my bad.
iOS is still much worse than Android in terms of “walled garden” practices but Google has been slowly inching over that way, what with the recent crackdown on sideloading apps.
While the main quote I can find is like 6 years old at this point, Tim Sweeney directly compared Linux to a US citizen moving to Canada when they don’t like the political landscape. I’m sure his opinions have become more nuanced since then, but it’s still imo just needlessly antagonistic.
In that regard I think both Epic and Valve are trying to advance the industry in different ways: Steam trying to break PC gaming from Windows, and the EGS trying to free up restrictive mobile app store policies. We really should be able to directly buy and play mobile games from whatever storefront we choose, not being limited to Google Play or the App Store.
Since Valve and Epic are both for-profit companies, the advancements are largely for profit’s sake of course. I agree that we should take wins where we can secure them, but always be vigilant for how a company might turn the tables once they have the upper hand and try to mitigate that. We’ve seen the same anti-consumer practices happen many times over in the PC hardware market, such as with AMD v Intel or AMD v Nvidia, where a given company pushes for an open standard only when they are the underdog.
I’m not buying it.
They still ripped off consumers and crushed competitors even when Trump wasn’t president and even when Republicans didn’t have control of the Senate/House. Fucking bullshit of top-tier level.
To play devil’s advocate they probably aren’t just doing it to gain favor, but also to avoid harm.
Trump is definitely petty enough to hold a grudge and go after whoever doesn’t cozy up to him.
We’re right back to fucking feudalism really. The local lords and ladies all kissing the new emperor’s ring, while he’s wearing no clothes…
The Trump administration is expected to be softer on antitrust cases, which as we know are one of Sweeney’s major pursuits.
that’s not pretending. that’s who the repuplicans are
I assume he’s including himself in “tech leaders”.
I would not fall for Tim’s sweet words. His vitriol is more aimed at his competitors than his admiration for what’s right for the people in our Government. And if his company could do what Apple is doing, he’d do it too. Gaming companies are the worse at this shit imo
This is of course, based on precisely nothing, but your feeling about PC exclusives on the Epic store, right?
Also why they (Musk especially visibly amongst them) try to destabilize the EU - the possibly most effective consumer protection organization that messes with their bottom line.
edit: Just saw another example: https://www.politico.eu/article/zuckerberg-urges-trump-to-stop-eu-from-screwing-with-fining-us-tech-companies/
Fuck Tim Sweeney but also duh.
Sucking dick for money knows no political party…only how to suck dick. That being said, the GOP sure specializes in it, just like all that Trump-on-Vlad action. Putin’s pecker must be worn the fuck OUT by now…but I wonder if even he knows the taste of Musko’s ‘cybertruck’?