• MutilationWave@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I’ve been thinking about getting plates and I’m not going to due to price.

    Please keep in mind this is from someone who has never owned plates or a plate carrier or any kind of armor, but if a plate can’t survive a fall, what happens when you need to get down prone fast, potentially into rocks? Are they going to crack?

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      what happens when you need to get down prone fast, potentially into rocks? Are they going to crack?

      Yep, level 4 plates aren’t metal, they’re ceramic. It’s a different kind of “toughness” basically the faster and more concentrated the impact, the better ceramic does. Like the alien energy shield in Stargate basically.

      20 years ago they were incredibly fragile and would crack just looking at them.

      These are “last generation” and greatly improved, but if you’re wearing it and just fall straight forward they’ll crack.

      The newest you can do that twice, ever…

      So the price jumps from $99 to $250. That’s $75 for each time you faceplant but infinite falls for both if you put an arm out to catch yourself.

      Metal plates obviously you can face plate as much as you want, they just aren’t as good at stopping bullets and can result in “sprawling” where the bullet and steel from your plate get you in the arm/face.

      Nothing is perfect.

      • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        can result in “sprawling” where the bullet and steel from your plate get you in the arm/face.

        Isn’t that “spalling”?

        No criticism here just want to get the terms right. I know if a vehicle gets hit and parts of it become shrapnel then it’s called spalling. Or even if a little bullet hits something and breaks up, that’s spalling. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

        But yeah I don’t mean faceplanting, I mean like you got down on some rocks quick then crawled forward. That would make the ceramic ineffectual? I would never buy metal armor. It’s too heavy and from what I’ve read, doesn’t work. I’m not looking to protect myself from some guy with a 9, I’m thinking about SHTF scenarios.

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Yeah, not sure if I got autocorrected or had a brain fart, but it’s 100% spalling.

          I mean like you got down on some rocks quick then crawled forward. That would make the ceramic ineffectual?

          I mean, there is heft to them, they’re still ~8lbs each. Which is think is about what metal is.

          What some people do is buy a “trauma pad” which is very skinny foam meant to be worn on the inside to absorb the shock, and they’ll put it on the outside side. Like, in the vest, but pad-plate-body instead of plate-pad-body.

          If you haven’t watched the video I linked up above, it’s worth it. He’s pretty scientific and goes over a lot of general stuff.

          But just some stuff bumping against it isn’t a big deal, these are designed for the military and worn in actual war for like over a decade at this standard. Just look at the stuff they do in plates for training, they’re not gentle.

          But honestly the point of a plate is to stop bullets that would kill you immediately, because there’s an expectation medical aid is nearby. Without an emergency room a gut shot will kill you just as well as a lung shit, it’ll just be 8-12 hours of absolute misery assuming you don’t bleed out in the next hour.

          So if society full on collapses, plates make less sense.

          • MutilationWave@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Leather is is then! It’s cheaper, modifiable, and you’re going to die anyway so why not look like Mad Max!

            • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Honestly, yeah.

              Even better if it’s modern motorcycle gear, shit has built in pads and everything. Basically discreet riot gear