Needs NCIS
Only some of us have the strength and the courage to be free!
You don’t get it… its super
It’s just innocuous entertainment.
Listening to the Super Earth Anthem doesn’t make me want to drop a 380mm barrage over everything the Illuminate hold dear, or anything…
“Which propaganda?”
“Exactly what I’m talking about!”I have a Flag Smashers shirt… go figure, they speak to me.
I was putting it on a couple days ago and I paused and thought about it, and suddenly realized the immensity of the propaganda - the great Captain America destroying the evil socialists who think resources should be shared by everyone, and that nationalism is a barrier to truly having ‘one human family’.
Blew my mind it took me this long. Also made me wonder if they were dug up from long ago comics when America was openly and blatantly monitoring and persecuting socialists and communists (specifically picturing the scenarios and time illustrated in Oppenheimer). Haven’t had a chance to dig in to that part yet, but I will right now!
I would say we peaked copaganda when Sonic 3 had the GUN general guy be a good guy. GUN was never Sonic’s friend. They didnt even play City Escape in that movie. 5/10.
True, but GUN in general is just shown as a really incompetent group. The weird general could have been the only one preventing them from going full antagonist against sonic.
stopped watching western television a long time ago, mostly watched asian television nowadays
Could you recommend some good shows and movies?
The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) Hi, Mom (2021) Fallen angels by Wong kar wai
Thank you
Literal propaganda movies?
Ahahaha fucking hell and youse say the westerns are brainwashed.
blue bloods is the most offensive one
I vaguely remember being somewhat shocked at what Chicago PD has the “good guys” do and justifying it.
Honestly I’m more offended people made a big deal about COPS! getting cancelled only to be replaced with Live PD, which doesn’t have a team filming them but rather just works off all the body camera footage. Worse than COPS ever was.
“Live” pd had a camera crew, they also use dash cam and body cam footage. That’s kind of the point of the “live” pd name, a crew following and filming them for the majority of it. They did use a delay and would clearly end or cutaway from stuff but its successor on patrol “live” has definitely shown police doing dumb shit and has caused some departments to pull out of being on the show.
There’s other shows and I forgot the name that would just do re-enactments of calls and responses and some that only use body cam / dash cam footage.
Thanks for the clearer details. I would never actually willingly watch such drivel, so I do appreciate being corrected on that.
I definitely understand anyone who won’t watch it and I won’t cry when it goes off the air. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine because one of the areas that’s commonly on it is near where I used to work as a firefighter. So it’s kinda neat seeing some of the ppl I used to interact with in a negative or positive light 🤷
That’s fair, I actually heard that they recently started doing my first college’s town regularly, and it made me wonder about some folks I used to know there.
It’s a shame the show is such a good concept. I loved watching what was essentially an every day look into this police dynasty but boy did it get unbearably boot licky over time. The old man telling his stories of how he used to not give a fuck as an old cop from the 60s was always funny (and explains how the family has always been this “privileged” strata).
there’s a world where better writers make something better with it. as it stands it’s either overtly racist, or as tone deaf as saying “i don’t see color”
My ex really liked that show, mostly the main guy. Could you elaborate a bit, e.g. plot, characters etc, if it’s no trouble?
New kid on the block always flew off the handle and went with his gut feeling. He was constantly using excessive force and beating up suspects. Even when it seemed like he went to far they would ultimately find out that whoever he beat up was a “piece of shit criminal” and they deserved it. The sister who was a DA and tried to get them to follow the rules was played as a bleeding heart liberal, and would get herself or others in trouble from being too soft on crime. She was also portrayed as a “ball busting bitch” with a chip on her shoulder. Grandpa was a racist fuck that everyone justified as that’s just grandpa, he’s from a different time.
Was your impression that the DA sister was a liberal? She was always doing her part to put people in jail, just didn’t tolerate the police cutting corners. She always put her family first as well, corrupt as hell.
She was what conservatives think bleeding hearts are. Also liberals put people in jail all of the time, look at Kamala’s history.
I wouldn’t call Kamala a liberal either. The actual liberal in the show seemed to the DA’s daughter.
it’s a show that hits all the usual conservative copaganda talking points. cops are good. bad guys are bad. innocent people will be fine as long as they comply. then consider how often a “good” character is white and a “bad” character is black, and a disconcerting pattern starts to arise. the show is outright cop apologia
Everything is propaganda if it changes your view of something
That’s too much of a generalization. Propaganda is far more specific.
Doesn’t even need to change your mind.
I knew it, glasses are propaganda
Pretty much spot on, though that is the exact point of these kinds of shows.
It was part of a wave of shows launched to counter the media perception of incompetence in law enforcement/prosecution. They pushed a bunch of dangerously misleading (or even outright fake) claims such as the reliability and accuracy of forensic evidence which has been later used in actual court cases to imprison innocent people.
As always, Citations needed has done a brilliant job on this kind of stuff that’s worth a listen.
SVU gets a pass for being AWESOME
You forgot ncis
‘00s pop culture fucking sucked
Calling it culture is an insult to the intelligence of the American people
They’re gonna do it more, now that you said that.
You can enjoy TV shows and movies while knowing ACAB is the truth.
ACAB is false though? At least it’s a one-dimensional analysis of reality.
At least it’s a one-dimensional analysis of reality.
This is a non thought. Meaningless drivel.
Even if you know it, they still worm their way into your head as surely as Barry Manilow’s TV commercial jingles.
For me now I think of it like a marvel movie.
This cop not shooting anyone is just like a man with superpowers swinging through the city on sci fi ropes.
It’s nice to imagine.
Really depends. Cops shows are really off putting to me. Marvel is kinda OK; not a fan, but it’s so over the top that I can abstract from the propaganda.
thats where it gets ya if you are not keen eyed for their tricks
I like the myth of the police, not actual cops, I like Simon Pegg in Hot Fuzz, actual cops can suck a nard
For the greater good!
The greater good.
Stop saying that!
When’s your birthday?
What do you define as propaganda? Anything could be if your definition is too broad.
In this case, all bullshit Yank media that makes you think America are good guys and cops help you.
I don’t think that’s a good definition, since Holocaust documentaries would be propaganda since it makes America look like the good guys.
That would definitely be propaganda since it was the Soviets who actually did all the work while the American’s ratlined them into their country and became a Nazi Empire over the next 80 years.
Let me get this right, your saying all reporting on the Holocaust is propaganda?
I’m saying everything you know about everything is propaganda. Try reading books, specifically by Bernays then come back to this conversation.
You fucking yank libs with your bullshit exasperations - Let me get this right, lol have you ever read a book? You don’t need to reply, I know the answer and I blocked you because I don’t think you have anything to contribute to my life.
I think any books I’ve read you’d call propaganda, I’m not sure what you wouldn’t call propaganda.
Well you see, American propaganda is cringe, while my superior vintage Soviet propaganda is based.
Hoped this comment was helpful :)
American’s ratlined the Nazi’s into their country,
FYI, the Soviet Union also recruited Nazis into their ranks -
If you compre both events beyong the absolute surface you might find the difference:
The soviets kept them under lock and key, extracted their knowledge and then got rid of them.
The US gave them high paying jobs, citizenship, honored their work after they passed, and amnesty for their crimes.
So only bad guys solve murder cases?
Good guys let random vicious murders on the loose.
I should trust an obvious propaganda expert , but I don’t know…
I’m glad I don’t know you in real life
I swear a couple of people are here to libsplain us in their confident ignorance.
I mean you ever see The Wire? In the first season the “heroes” beat the shit out of bystanders so much a child loses an eye. They then go on to solve murders.
I haven’t see the wire. But I don’t remember they doing that in CSI Miami, they just solved murder cases in ingenious ways.
For some people CSI is like extreme propaganda. Then they proceded to eat a literal propaganda video from a terrorist group that’s literally murdering people and justifying why they are murdering people and be cool with that. The other guy literally threatened me over that, it’s crazy.
Edward Bernays wrote the book on it, as well as Walter Lippman[1]. And subsequently so have Michael Parenti[1][2] and Noam Chomsky[1].
- Short YouTube intro: Noam Chomsky: The five filters of the mass media machine
- Somewhat longer one: You’re Not Immune To Propaganda
From the first one
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
Sounds like it’s referring to any marketing or public communications from any company government or individual. I’d qualify that as overly broad.
Hollywood’s role is propagate the owner class views upon the wagie population to create obedience with a few exceptions… And they don’t make those movies anymore.
Lastime they did it was jocker and elites go to scared that they ensured to ruin the prequel. That vibe changed real quick lol
So no Luigi movie for us is what you’re saying 😞
Hollywood’s role is to make money. They do that by making movies that appeal to people so that they’ll pay for them, while not alienating their funding. There isn’t some top down directive to portray oligarchs well, it’s just part of the ballance. Another factor is that directors, at least established ones, tend to be rich, so they have that perspective in their work.
The profit motive certainly is a major aspect, maybe even the largest, but there’s more going on than just that. For instance, the US military-intelligence-industrial complex gets directly & indirectly involved, and this is well documented.
Though money. They don’t let people film with their equipment unless they have some say in the outpout. But again, it isn’t a conspiracy, it’s factors and pressures that sometimes effect the output.
Okay sure, they conspired, but again, it’s not a conspiracy 😂
It seems like you’re jumping through hoops to maintain some kind of Panglossian, high school civics worldview.
Michael Parenti, Dirty Truths:
Those who suffer from conspiracy phobia are fond of saying: “Do you actually think there’s a group of people sitting around in a room plotting things?” For some reason that image is assumed to be so patently absurd as to invite only disclaimers. But where else would people of power get together – on park benches or carousels? Indeed, they meet in rooms: corporate boardrooms, Pentagon command rooms, at the Bohemian Grove, in the choice dining rooms at the best restaurants, resorts, hotels, and estates, in the many conference rooms at the White House, the NSA, the CIA, or wherever. And, yes, they consciously plot – though they call it “planning” and “strategizing” – and they do so in great secrecy, often resisting all efforts at public disclosure. No one confabulates and plans more than political and corporate elites and their hired specialists. To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.
That’s how censorship works in practice… Profit motive and ownership structure is just the American way of doing it.
In some languages “advertising” and “propaganda” are the same word, and not for nothing. Bernays worked in both advertising and politics. It’s the same set of tools whether its to sell cigarettes or war.
Would all rhetoric (persuading people) be propaganda? I think that makes the word useless.
it’s not useless if it describes something.
It’s describing all communication, good and bad. This conversation we’re having right now would be propaganda.
You’re trying to influence someone’s understanding of the term propganda, which makes it propganda.
Rhetorical exchange between two people is one thing, mass persuasion is quite another, though they are not entirely unrelated.
So would any speech to a bunch of people be propaganda? What makes something propaganda?
I’d define propaganda as misconstruing the truth towards political ends. If it’s commercial ends rather than political, it’s false advertising. If it’s not misconstruing, then it’s advertising or public communications. Just to set a baseline.
I can’t find what your sources are defining as propaganda from a brief look, let’s compare to my definition.
it doesn’t need to be misconstrued. the best propaganda imho is totally true and in context. spreading it with some kind of political goal is still propaganda.
Cool, I wouldn’t call that propaganda, but we can work with that.
Do the Captain America movies have an irl political goal? What would it be?
I haven’t seen them, but I do know they work with the pentagon, so my guess is they aim to legitimize American hegemony and military spending
I have seen them, and the government is the bad guy, with the overreach of public surveillance being major topic. You’ll need to be more specific, but that would probably entail watching them.
I have no interest though. do you have a point?