If I only allow “essential” trackers, it will ask me to enable targeted tracking every time I open the app… Not really a choice if it’s forced.
If I only allow “essential” trackers, it will ask me to enable targeted tracking every time I open the app… Not really a choice if it’s forced.
Tdbank, TDAmeritrade is now Schwab since a year ago.
Good to know.
Yeah I was really sad. TDA advisors went above and beyond. Mine gave me his personal number even when he got changed to mil minimum accounts, which I was not.
Love the Borg-ification of the financial system. Can’t wait until it’s just one big bank and I have to press the green “I consent to whatever you say” button to do anything
Resistance is futile
That’s the dream. I want an app that takes all my data and only has a green and red button. Buy and sell. I don’t even want to know what it is I’m buying or selling. Instead of a total amount of investments I want a smiley face based on my investments and credit score.
Green Bank is outside Canada too? (The T stood for Toronto, when I checked)
I think they’re a different thing from TDA