looks like the same person whom a decade ago would tell young people they would regret their tattoos when they are older.
So everyone can see in his face that he is a potentially armed and dangerous nut job. It is actually a service to society.
A coward
“ArE yOu TrIgGeReD, LiB?”
“No, just feeling pity for you in spite of myself.”
I applaud this dude. He’s got balls. He’s telling us up front that we won’t have to respect any opinion he’ll ever share.
It would’ve been easier to just tattoo “I’m a coward” on his loaf
Those aren’t eyebrows: they’re cuts.
Uncle Leo changed a bit.
This has gotta be peak ATBGE right??
I feel like this might have happened while doing chemo for cancer. Old mate probably thought he was gonna die, so was like “Fuck it, we ball!”
Bro’s got them AR-brows
aR sTAndS fOr MuH RiGhTS!!!
I didn’t think we should tattoo people with symbols who are mentally disabled, but then again I’m fine with them doing it to themselves
Another “Only in America” moment.
I hate it when my eyebrows declare war against each other
Spot the Weird Al Yankovic.
Guns don’t kill eyebrows. Tattoo needles do.
This is MGK’s grandpa, MGG