Do you guys have higher tolerance to buggy bs? Are you all gaslighting people to get higher adoption? Does it just work? If so… How??

I’ve tried about every distro in multiple different laptops/desktops, amd gpus, basically every possible idea and there’s always weird ass bugs and issues and a ton of involuntary learning involved.

edit. Any chances you guys could suggest me one setup that “just works” no ifs and no buts? Or does it not exist in the Linux world?

edit2. Since people are asking for specifics I’m going to pick one random distro I’ve tried recently and list the issues I’ve had:

  • On Arch fresh install with archinstall, everything default pmuch:

Immediately greeted with this. thread discussing it here.

I could live with that though, kinda…

Gnome apps in Arch are taking multiple seconds to open/tab back into and freezing, no idea how to debug it.

Could also live with it…

The killer one is that the battery life just sucks badly. about 15W idling with tlp, for comparison Debian with tlp gives me sub 5Watts. But again, Debian comes with a whole different set of issues.

I’ve only listed the one I’ve tried most recently, but the experience is similar with all distros I’ve tried.

    3 months ago

    Do you guys have higher tolerance to buggy bs? Are you all gaslighting people to get higher adoption? Does it just work? If so… How??

    I’ve tried about every distro in multiple different laptops/desktops, amd gpus, basically every possible idea and there’s always weird ass bugs and issues and a ton of involuntary learning involved.

    Your question is a bit like asking ‘why do you guys all have a perfect spouse while I only get to live with that stupid creature?’.

    Obviously, you would be wrong in considering both your and our own relationships like that.

    As far as Linux goes, nope, we’re not more tolerant to BS or gaslighting anyone. That said, maybe you’re the one gaslighting here (yourself, at least) if you’re saying there is such a as a perfect OS?

    My Linux machines (Debian/Xfce and Mint/Cinnamon, if that really matters) both have issues. Exactly like, what not-a-surprise, my Mac and my iOS devices have. They’re different issues, but they’re issues. I don’t know, say, I can’t run Affinity Designer on Linux like I easily can on a Mac (‘what a shitty OS that Linux is!’) but I also canot change all text size on the screen as easily on the Mac as I can do it on Linux (‘what a shitty OS that macOS is!’), or have a Windows laptop with as good a battery life as a M Mac…

    The only serious question to ask should be: which issues are deal breakers for you, and which are not?

    It’s a relatively simple checklist to do. Then, it’s a matter of asking a few questions around to confirm there is no solution available. Problem solved, you will know for sure if you can use Linux or if you cannot. No drama, no existential crisis. And, as nice bonus, no need to question anyone else intelligence and/or honesty, not even your own.

    edit. Any chances you guys could suggest me one setup that “just works” no ifs and no buts? Or does it not exist in the Linux world?

    Could you suggest a Mac that will just works? Or does it not exist in the Apple (or Windows) world?’ You can’t? And, no, you can’t, don’t believe the marketing. Because if you could Apple would certainly not need to spend the fortune it is spending on customer support and warranty repairs, and the repairman/right to repair advocate Louis Rossman would never have become the influencer he is. Macs and iPhone too have issues.

    Well, neither can we help you find the perfect setup for Linux that is guarantee to work without issue ;)