“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.”

Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.

Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.

  • evranch@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    That’s the point of “humane”. It’s a sliding scale of “less cruel”.

    I raise and butcher livestock so I have hands on experience here. At the end of the day an animal is being turned into meat. Just like with an execution, that fact is already set, and “being humane” is about making it happen in the least cruel way possible.

    Back in the bad old days the Halal slaughter method was actually the most humane available. You must cut both arteries with a sharp blade. The animal loses blood pressure immediately and is unconscious in seconds. When all you have are sharp objects this is really the best you can do.

    However now that we have guns and captive bolt stunners, we consider shooting the animal in the head before making a cut to release the blood to be “more humane”.

    Part of being humane is also about the humans doing the killing. Do you want to feel like a psycho or like you did the best you could to avoid causing suffering? Most of us would choose the second option.

    Bullet to the head is the best execution method I believe, because you can’t hold your breath like this guy did and prolong it. There is no dying process, it’s an instant transition to being dead.