These companies don’t care about you, or your kids, or your grandkids. They have zero qualms about burning down the planet for a buck, so why should we have any qualms about burning them down to survive?
We’re animals just like everything else on this planet, except we’ve forgotten the law of the jungle and bend over for our overlords when any other animal would recognize the threat and fight to the death for their survival. “Violence never solved anything” is a statement uttered by cowards and predators.
(Quote from a book review made by the suspect)
A book review of the Unibomber manifesto! 4/5 stars lol
The Unibomber had the right idea but his methods were sloppy and he was so messily indiscriminate with his targets that it and undermined his message.
Have you read his manifesto? Especially the first part? Dude would have voted Trump and been first in line on Jan 6.
Why not 5/5?
He saw room for improvement.
I think they specifically mention less collateral deaths
5/7. Perfect.
I can’t believe they tracked down his Goodreads account. The internet truly never ceases to amaze.