I just got up and took about 7 big huffs on a vape while making a coffee. 2% strength and my vision went, everything went black I started blacking out against the kitchen counter. Had to kneel down and wait for it to pass before standing up to finish my coffee. Fucked it up in a cloud of confusion and drank a warm milk.

How the fuck is nicotine legal?

  • mommykink@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    help! I abused this drug and had a bad reaction how is this legal?!

    This post (assuming it isn’t bait) reminds me exactly of that meme with the guy throwing a stick through the spokes of their bike

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
      8 months ago

      assuming it isn’t bait

      Why do people assume the worst? I just whimsically puffed on a vape and thought - *“Fuck me this is too strong to be legal”. I don’t genuinely believe we need to ban nicotine. I’m pro legalisation of all drugs. I was just bored and found it interesting this drug that almost made me KO on the kitchen floor is legal. There’s no sinister plot or baits. Just a bored person.

      • mommykink@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        My man, you almost KO’d because you took 7 big hits of a vasoconstrictor, which is entirely on you for misusing the drug.

        This is similar to drowning someone in a vat of vodka and asking ‘how can alcohol be legal??’

    • JCreazy@midwest.social
      8 months ago

      I do think it would be interesting to see a ban on alcohol today and how things would play out.

        • JCreazy@midwest.social
          8 months ago

          Yeah but do you see literally everyone doing it? I feel like most people would see the effort involved and just give up. sure, there would be a large underground black market for alcohol but I think the average person probably wouldn’t even bother trying to make their own.

  • bstix@feddit.dk
    8 months ago

    Sounds more like a blood circulation thing. Nicotine overdose feels more like dizziness and tingling. If you ever feel like fainting try moving your arms and legs to get blood circulation up again. If it happens often see a doctor.

  • P1r4nha@feddit.de
    8 months ago

    The bigger question is why alcohol is not illegal. Ruins lives and families all over the globe. It is addictive, although not as much as opioids, and drunk people cannot drive and can also otherwise not be trusted. Some tend to violent outbursts etc.

    The only answer is: It’s easy to make, it’s been tradition and banning/limiting it has been tried before. And that’s also the reason why tobacco is still legal and nicotine isn’t illegal.

    • Hyperreality@kbin.social
      8 months ago

      It is addictive, although not as much as opioids

      Here’s the thing. There’s that famous study of Vietnam vets who used heroin. Turns out that 95% quit cold turkey and never relapsed. In Vietnam, their life was shit, so they used heroin to cope. Back in the US, their lives weren’t that shit, so they simply stopped using.

      Alcohol? If an alcoholic quits cold turkey, there’s a high chance they’ll drop dead.

      This is partly why there’s that 2010 study that ranked alcohol as being more dangerous than heroin.

  • n3m37h@sh.itjust.works
    8 months ago

    Lack of oxygen did this to you, blame the vape. Nicotine is still shit but so is vaping. If you want bronchitis later in life, keep vaping

  • erusuoyera@sh.itjust.works
    8 months ago

    Headrush. It’s part of the appeal! Funny story, I once stood up too quickly and as I opened the door to leave the room I had a headrush. I grabbed the top of the door for support, but also fell against it trapping my fingers, so I yanked it back and smacked the door into my face, so I pushed it away and trapped my fingers in the top. Good times.

  • Ekky@sopuli.xyz
    8 months ago

    Same way alcohol is legal I imagine, we’ve been doing it for enough time that it has become culture, and it’s not like THAT many people die of it anyway.

    Luckily smoking (hopefully including e-smokes) appears to still be declining.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
      8 months ago

      They’ll never ban nicotine. Have you ever dealt with an ex-smoker? Very aggro. You’d have riots of very angry people if we banned nicotine immediately.

      I could see vapes going to way of cigarettes and being educated out of society but it’s going to take a generation. A lifetime of being told “smoking is bad” killed smoking but vapes popped up that solved a hundred problems with smoking immediately (no arsenic, no cancer, no tar, etc) so I think they’ll have to brainstorm on how they can convince a big chunk of people why nicotine is bad.

      I’ve quit vaping a few times but came to a horrifying conclusion: Why? It’s not like it improves my life massively. Not like smoking where you regain your sense of taste, smell and improve your health. You’ve simply removed the ability to have morning head rushes. That’s it.

  • lightnsfw@reddthat.com
    8 months ago

    Because laws shouldn’t exist to protect morons from themselves. If you want to naturally select yourself out of the gene pool go right ahead.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    8 months ago

    Same reason alcohol isn’t illegal: it’s an accepted drug. Heroin and cocaine used to be accepted drugs as well, and in some “professional” circles people don’t even raise an eyebrow if you tell them you use coke on the regular.

    Any drug can fuck you up if you use it wrong, as you seem to have done. We just have a stigma for some drugs that we don’t have for others. Weed is bad, alcohol is good, because people just kind of decided on that.

    As shitty as vapes may be, you probably shouldn’t be blacking out from nicotine like that, though. That’s not how normal people use those things and if you regularly take doses like these, you may want to seek help.

    I find it amusing that you wonder about the legality of nicotine when you talk about taking another stimulant (caffeine) right after nearly collapsing from a vape.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
      8 months ago

      My body is a temple (of shit). I used to be a fit, healthy runner & judoka until I became a fat meth addict in my 30s. Now at 40 I’ve quit meth but I was probably suffering from dehydration[1], high BP[2] and shite health[3] when I vaped this morning so the head rush had more effect than normal.

      I struggle to give a fuck though. I was told I have high cholesterol a few years back but tbh I don’t really wanna be here.

      But I don’t have the guts to end it[4] so I’ll just coast along abusing my body til it packs up and dies. I’m doing well at that: I’m so sedentary I get back ache just standing up and I’m still about 20kg overweight. This year I’m 41! I don’t remember the last time I celebrated a birthday and this year won’t be different. I have an uncle who died at 42 of a heart attack; maybe I’ll go the same age.

      • [1] After 3 cups of coffee I’ve peed once in the past few hours.
      • [2] Overweight with cholesterol so bound to have high BP.
      • [3] Recovering drug addict.
      • [4] More due to lack of success, trying repeatedly for 20yrs and failing every time.
      • all-knight-party@kbin.run
        8 months ago

        You seem to understand what happened decently well already, why did you really make this post? Your situation reminds me of my wife’s father who was in a similar situation, over 40, ex meth user who had ended up on cigarettes and really abused himself until he got cancer from the cigs and passed and his negligence for his own life really hurt my wife and her family. He was a badass dude, and I regret I didn’t know him better.

        I hope you can find a reason to treat yourself better, especially if anyone loves or relies on you, it’s the best reason I have to do decent in life, it’d never be for me, it’d be for my loved ones.

      • I feel you.

        I’ve had a hard life, too. Not in the same way - for me, it was the Army, backpacking, rollerblading everywhere, skiing every year since childhood, dabbling in various martial arts, and just a lot of physical activity. Now, later in life I have chronic back pain, my knees are shot, and I have arthritis. I can’t do any of those physical activities that I loved so much anymore, I’m tired of corrective surgeries, and I’m just weary of being in constant pain. I used to obsess about the fact that I couldn’t avoid dying some day; now, it’s comforting to know someday the pain will be over.

        So I get where you’re coming from, and I hope you can get to a better place.

        If I’m allowed two minor rants: a highly physical life will wear you down. The body wears out: being active makes it happen faster. Obviously, being obese brings it’s own issues, but the fact that we (Americans) villify sedentary lifestyles but glorify sports is unbalanced. The rule should be: moderation in all things.

        My second rant: because of the opioid crisis, people who are in chronic pain are treated like addicts. Medical professionals are now terrified of using the best pain management tool available to us today. Example: my wife is going in for a major surgery - they’re literally cutting her abdomen open, taking her guts out, cutting a bunch of stuff that shouldn’t be there out, and stitching her back together. The recovery period will be months. She’s been tld going in that they want to manage the pain without opioids – which isn’t “managing” the fucking pain, it’s just forcing her to suffer through it. All because of laws and regulations punishing the prescription of opioids has doctor afraid of doing it. It makes me furious.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
      8 months ago

      I should have been clearer - why is weed illegal while other less-harmful drugs like weed (UK) are illegal? Makes no sense. If I can black out from weed while making coffee surely to fuck weed which has never made me black out should be legal? All weed ever did was make me fucking laugh or get paranoid.

      • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        You passing out from huffing on a vape is your own, wierd, unique reaction to nicotine due to your own misuse. I can pass out if I huff a glass of water and that would likely kill me. You can slam 20 energy drinks and make your heart explode, you can eat too much food and die, you can drink too much alcohol and get alcohol poisoning. That is all equivalent to someone who apparently has zero nicotine tolerance taking rips on a vape and being mad they got light headed. That is your own fault. That being said, I am totally down with legal weed and illegal nicotine, however, weed impairs your judgment for hours, nicotine only makes you a bit light headed for a minute, and only if you don’t have a tolerance. I say this as I rip my 12% vape with zero effect.

      • Ashy@lemmy.wtf
        8 months ago

        why is weed illegal

        Now that’s a good question, very odd indeed. But I don’t know the answer.

      • StrawberryPigtails@lemmy.sdf.org
        8 months ago

        Most of the drug laws are due to back door racism, at least here in the US. They couldn’t make laws that directly targeted minorities and so they made laws that targeted things that were part of the targeted minorities culture. Opium and heroin laws seemed to target Asians and the weed laws seemed more to target “beatniks” and Native Americans. It’s an interesting (if depressing) research topic of you’ve a mind.

      • fartsparkles@sh.itjust.works
        8 months ago

        If I remember correctly, the laws that make drugs illegal or not are based on the risk of harm they pose. And by the word of the law, nicotine / tobacco technically should be illegal. When this was raised with a judge, nicotine/tobacco was excluded from being illegal due to “historical precedence”.

        Basically, it’s been legal for so long, and the industry built up around it was so large, they didn’t want to touch it and annoy the public (smoking was a hugely common habit at the time).

        Funnily enough, weed is legal for medical use in the UK and has been since 2018. Theory goes, as soon as there’s enough political capital to be made from legalising it for recreational use, it’ll happen in the UK. The UK is already one of the largest producers of medical cannabis in the world so government so the money aspect is already being made.

        It needs the public calling for it to be made legal and the rest not bothered if it is made legal before Commons would touch it.

        • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
          8 months ago

          It needs the public calling for it to be made legal and the rest not bothered if it is made legal before Commons would touch it.

          I’ve emailed my mayor and local MP about legalisation to no avail. Not even replied to as a courtesy. I watched the committee debate on legalisation that I think happened in 2016. It’s as if MPs KNOW legalising it makes sense but they don’t want to risk outright legalisation because the media will eviscerate them. Peter fucking Hitchens especially who led the charge to re-classify weed from class C to B because weed is “stronger than it was 50yrs ago”.

          Fucking brain rot in this country will mean legalisation will come in about 50yrs at the earliest.

    • sanpo@sopuli.xyz
      8 months ago

      That’s a really bad argument. People smoking in public do force me to huff the second hand smoke.

      • Ashy@lemmy.wtf
        8 months ago

        That’s not an argument for banning nicotine in general. That’s an argument for banning smoking in public indoor places, which I think is already the case in most countries.

  • doofer_name@feddit.de
    8 months ago

    Real question is: Hows weed illegal (well ivermectin here it still is) and nicotine is not? It ain’t logical thinking thats for sure.