Starting today, you can use Warp without signing up for an account or logging in first. Download the app for MacOS or Linux, or join our waitlist for Windows. Run your first command with no hurdles to jump through first.
Their terminal will now be functional offline, as terminals should be…
Saves your from learn-ing
Frees them up to learn important things.
Maybe they would be better off on windows.
It’s worth nothing unless you manually write your commands in machine language!
Fair enough. But once that internet cuts out, you’re dumb again.
Sometimes I want to learn, sometimes I just need to get something done. Why not be able to do both?
Because then you’ll never learn.
Sometimes I want to learn, sometimes I just need to get something done. Why not be able to do both?
Premature optimization is a waste of time.
Lol, whatever 😂