They have to have somebody to hate so they don’t hate themselves so much.
It’s who their owners say to hate, so they hate them. Could be anyone and for no or any reason. They’re cultists and they do, say, hate, and fear who they’re told to.
Not most. Your premise is faulty
Prove it
It’s on OP to prove. But reasonably most people aren’t transphobic considering how big of s topic, if you will, transsexualism had become lately. I don’t think most conservatives are transphobic either.
Kind regards, someone who would be very liberal in the US.
Why would you ask this question on Lemmy. You will get few, if any, legitimate answers. This platform is an echo chamber.
Yeah, such a shameful lack of bigots’ POV.
To be fair, every platform is an echo chamber. The only differences are to what degree.
Probably true enough, but I’m sure there are a few that are a mixed bag.
I would agree with this.
Also, for the record, your username is the highlight of my day. Tell me, which ones are lies and which ones are true?
My dear doctor, they’re all true. Especially the lies.
Remove the bottom 75% of IQs in the bell curve, then take that group and choose the top 1/3 of the most technologically literate, then you have lemmy
It’s just that extremely high intelligence and extreme knowledge about tech happen to correlate with certain views that aren’t based on mythological bullshit. But yeah, I guess you could call that an echo chamber?
Fucking lol. Thanks for that.
It seems that way because the minority of people who are against trans people are very loud and obnoxious, and their voices are heavily amplified by sites like Facebook and Twitter.
A lot of conservatives want to simplify life because they have a simple mind.
Conservatives are afraid of change, because they control current status quo. They can’t let people escape from that control, so every nail that is a little outside it’s hole gets hammered.
In short, they rather prefer trans (and broadly queers) to hide or die, unless they can control them. Everyone different from what they can control is a big danger. Imagine if everyone could be like they feel like? Conservatives see this as chaos, they are the guardians of peace and good values, so anything not already controlled by them is the opposite, chaos, destruction, fire.
That’s why they rarely present anything new, their policies and general opinion tend to fight the natural evolution of civilization. USA, as obviously all of the American Continent, was built by immigrants (and slaves). Now they fight immigrants, undocumented ones mostly, because they can’t control them. And we know what happened when ‘the libs’ back then tried to end slavery, you know, other people that they CONTROLLED.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Because they tell teenagers that you might accidentally kiss a man and let hormones and immaturity handle the rest.
Well you have to understand everyone takes it as settled science to varying degrees.
Some think theres nothing left to learn, all settled and people need to stop asking questions and just agree. On the other end are those who think its pure fantasy and that, since its not science at all, must be being used as a tool against children.
I’m not sure how big those two ends are, but theres the people in the middle too, who think there is likely something going on here but aren’t sold on the current implementation. Some are hesitant and want more time and research. Some are concerned that societal pressure is trumping doctors advice.
Maybe theres some other group I’m not thinking of but either way, the angriest group isnt always the biggest, but will be loudest. That might skew your perceptions of how people generally feel on average.
Because people don’t shut up about it.
Most conservatives I know think it’s dangerous to entertain trans ideas in children. They say kids don’t know what gender really means because they haven’t experienced puberty yet but the most effective time to use hormone blockers is before puberty. So they feel like it’s the parents who are encouraging use of hormone therapy for their kids because the parents are brainwashed by left media, and essentially committing child abuse.
To them I say:
- If I’m old enough to be disfigured by puberty, I’m old enough for HRT.
- A trans child is a blessing, deserving of the choice to avoid a puberty they are telling you they do not want.
Except for the fact that puberty is an actual thing that occurs without outside influence. HRT isn’t
Disclaimer: the obligation should not fall on a marginalized person to educate those ignorant. As such, when i have patiently done so, and I get met with “UH ACTUALLY DEBATE ME BRO”, I meet their bad faith and pseudoscience with “ok nazi, get blocked”. First they came for the trans and the disabled, THEN the socialists and trade unionists. I am just fine being indiscriminate with those who prove themselves to be intolerant. Protect yr energy fam.
The reply: That’s like saying an epileptic person should go without life-saving seizure supression medication
HRT is no different than any other medical intervention that allows a person to have a better quality of life by influencing the already existing systems of hormones and neurotransmitters for the given conditions/issues/wellbeing.
What’s more, in the event that the human being making the choice with their doctor to use hormone blockers changes their mind, puberty resumes AND compensates such that the overall outcome is near-entirely unchanged compared to if had they not used blockers. (And are much less likely to self-harm or take their own life overall)
The misinformation about trans kids and puberty is honestly audacious, such that anyone who actually cares about Trans People’s safety, well being and happiness would recognize such if they so much as scratch at the surface of current medical knowledge.
Trans people are not your science experiment.
One’s medical choices are noone’s business but that human being and their doctor. Parental ownership over children is quite a flawed institution when many parents are absentee, and that’s before you figure in the lack of educaction about, misinformation about, and outright internalized bigotry for trans people – which many parents fail their children by not confronting, unpacking…but instead making the problem of the small human being who has no legal standing in our rancidly unjust systems. This society believes itself more civilized than barbarians or cro-magnons or marauding vikings or australopithecus…which only multiplies it’s vicious indifferent violent tendencies.
“If God had wanted you to regulate your glucose levels he wouldn’t have given you type 1 diabetes. Now give me your goddam insulin!”
That’s like saying an epileptic person should go without life-saving seizure suppression medication
Google false equivalency. 1.2% of people experience epilepsy. 100% of people experience puberty. Epilepsy requires intervention BECAUSE it isn’t normal. So my argument still tracks.
Also, just because someone doesn’t like an experience doesn’t necessarily mean that it should not occur. People don’t like getting their wisdom teeth removed but it’s a process that must take place. And this is especially true with life changing decisions like HRT. Putting a decision so monumental into the hands of an individual still trying to figure out what career path they would like to take is borderline insane.
Also, I’m going to need some sources on the effects of HRT being easily reversed after treatment stops, because there is a point at which this procedure becomes somewhat permanent. Take for example the case of Chloe Cole who I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of.
Okay nazi. Ez block.
this thread has been really great for bringing them out of the woodwork to block!
They’re a convenient political target because it makes insecure men not want to be associated with them. Believe it or not, a similar thing happened last time Republicans won the popular vote in 2004 - back then the issue was gay marriage. Bush went hard on opposing that and it helped him win.
Rural IL here. Full of conservatives.
Nobody here cares if you are trans. Couldn’t care less.
Never met a school church shooter either.
As someone who grew up in a conservative household in a deep red state, I think that part of it is that a lot of people are letting Lizard Brain dictate their response to transgender people.
Let me give you a personal example. A while back, I went to a social dance, and there was a trans woman there. Before the dance starts proper, the couple that runs it will teach a dance lesson, and we rotate partners while that’s going on. Eventually, I was rotated into being her partner. For some background, she was obviously early on in her transition; she still looked like a dude in a dress, she didn’t quite have the appearance down yet. But she gets huge props for not only having the bravery to go out as herself, but doing it in fucking Arkansas.
Keep in mind, where I grew up, you just didn’t see trans people, and even now, it still tickles that primal part of my brain that was trained to be uncomfortable around people who aren’t white and straight.
The difference between me and many of the people I grew up around is that I recognize that it’s happening and try to tone Lizard Brain out when it starts screaming. A lot of other people listen to it and don’t care that the person that it’s screaming about is exactly that: a person.
A brave, vulnerably nuanced answer. Suspicious… what are you planning?
What happened next? How was the dance? Don’t leave us hanging!
I remember reading that when people have racist reactions like what you’re describing it’s like a different part of their brain triggers and then their frontal lobe (for higher logic) sort of suppresses it. I really wish I could remember more about this but I definitely remember learning about this in psychology. Something like when a baby sees someone of a skin color they haven’t seen before they get nervous, but when they’re older different parts shut it down. The memory is very fuzzy.
Excellently said!
The only thing I have an issue with, and it’s a small issue at that, is:
Keep in mind, where I grew up, you just didn’t see trans people,
You most assuredly did see them. You just didn’t realize it because they were forced to hide who they really were.
This is so real. It takes a LOT of effort and time to train this out. If someone isn’t willing to go through that then it makes sense that it would fester.
I had lots of times when i was younger learning about queer culture when i got mad at things. Especially after an overly polite and patient person took the time and effort to explain something to me. Unlearning hate is painful. Learning to liberate yourself is painful.
I think a lot of people feel that pain and decide to run from it and double down on the hate because that way they don’t need to learn and change or pry open their mind to an alternative.
Then there’s the whole fear of conflicting with your own community as a factor.
Would you mind sharing what that person explained to you?
Many conversations with many different people. I can’t recall as this was mostly a decade ago, before it all clicked for me that humans are diverse and nuanced and it’s fine. My guess would be pronouns and wide net incel stuff. Not that i was particularly bad but deprogramming a Catholic suburban upbringing in american masculinity culture and propaganda is a monumental feat.
I think the fact that i was willing to listen, think critically, and engage in self doubt is what invited the conversations. Still, they were being very charitable with their energy and time.
I’m really grateful for that, especially after recognizing in not as cishet as i thought i was.
Because the science ia highly debated and we are yet to come to a real consensus on the issue. From what ive seen most people really dont gives a fuck about being anti trans they give a fuck about trans intervention with children.