You’re all making fun of it but this new style did exactly what it intended to do. Everyone is talking about them now.
Yeah, for a whole 2 hours, until everyone moves on to bitch about the next thing and then Jaguar are stuck with the shitty new logo no-one recognises for long after that.
Why would no one recognize it? Hardly the first time they’ve changed their logo.
But it’s the first time they’ve made a change as drastic as this. I can recognise any Jaguar car out there even if I know fuck all about their cars because I can see the jaguar design on the car.
Now people will have to squint to make out the word JAGUAR in that shitty font? Bad move.
It’s not the first time they’ve made a “drastic” change.
As a matter of. They’ve had a logo similar to this before in the 50’s. With just the word “Jaguar”.
You have the world’s combined knowledge at your fingertips. And you choose to be ignorant and blur out something so stupid as “But it’s the first time they’ve made a change as drastic as this.”
If only they sold stuff that the people talking about it could afford in the first place, maybe that’d boost their sales.
First step is increasing brand recognition. No one will buy if they don’t know you exist.
A brand that has been known for nothing but luxury sports cars for decades, including by people who don’t even follow car culture, is hardly one that would need to increase brand recognition. I’d expect that from a new company, not one with nearly 80 years operating under the same name
Did you know. That every single year. Millions of people are born that has never heard of Jaguar. Because why would they?
Last time I ever heard someone talk about Jaguar was 20 years ago when they sold their f1 team.
Prior to that. I have not given them as much as a single thought. So yes. Them changing their logo certainly did what it was supposed to do. Get people to talk about Jaguar.
Could JOGUOR become the new KN?
You were supposed to remove the text…
That looks like marketing, let their six-year-old design the logo. Half the letters or lowercase and half are uppercase.
Skoda have done something similar with their latest offering. No Skoda badge, no radiator grill. Just SKODA in a boring font.
Awh hell nah, no more JAAAAAAAAAAG :(
I would have failed every design class I took in college if I submitted that. Why such wide kerning? Why lower case but upper G? Why so round? Why so completely unreadable at a distance because of micro serifs? There isn’t one good design element in this.
It’s not joguor?
It might just be depending on how far away you are
I think they want people to focus on the “agua” and the j and r are just little accents on it like its word art rather than a logo. Like, I literally picture the marketing weirdos at the meeting going off like this.
The “a” is the worst part for me. You can’t see those little stubbs at a distance. So it reads JoGuor at a distance. They didn’t just fail to create a good logo, they failed to preserve the name. One bit of advice I always give is “imagine this logo on the back of a golf card or a Pride brochure. If the logo isn’t crisp and readable in black and white in a 1/2 inch square then it sucks.” This design fails that test. Not just because of the messed up “a” but the wide spacing makes those unreadable "a"s even smaller than if the letters weren’t so widely spaced.
It doesn’t say “car” at all either; no elegance or prestige. The old logo was sexy. New one looks like a logo for bottled water or something.
Edit: it’s like going from James Bond to Austin Powers.
Austin Powers has style. Crazy 60s style but style.
Ya, I wanted to use a bland spy but there aren’t any-- I was going to use the Spy vs Spy guys because they are the most generic-looking, but ultimately I kept Powers because while he is stylish and fun, he is also really immature and the logo looks immature to me.
Tata cat.
Insiders might get it.
They’re trying to impress investors with ‘serious’ design, not stand out with a unique one
Nothing says “serious” like mixing upper and lower case letters yet keeping them all the same height, so it looks like a third grader wrote it
Yeah, it DOES look like shit, but tiger-less and safe shit
I read this as joguar when I first scrolled by.
The font is ugly.
>New logo is soulless slop
Every single company
Makes it easier to forget them and not being able to keep them apart. That’s really great for us. Less ads in our brains.
the secret is that all logos are soulless slop. you just become attached to the old ones due to familiarity. when that familiarity is removed, you see it for what it really is.
Some have more visual distinctiveness than this new minimalist shit
I hate these new logos these corporations make, the old jaguar logo looked like power the new one looks like some weird startup.
/uj Technically this is their new logo:
J a G U a r is just their new typeface (I think that’s the name?); and apparently/allegedly is to make the pronunciation closer to UK English, rather than American.
Either way, though - it’s still…
…pReTtY fArKiN’ sToOoPiD.
I would have guessed that was a Puma logo.
You’re making that up.
You spell stoopid with three O"s. Maybe your the stoopid,
Yeah that’s pretty dummb
typeface (I think that’s the name?);