The global goal to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C is now deemed “deader than a doornail,” with 2024 likely to surpass this threshold, marking the hottest year on record.
Despite agreements under the Paris accord, emissions continue to climb, pushing the world toward 2.7°C warming and increasing risks of catastrophic climate impacts.
Experts warn of nearing irreversible climate tipping points, such as ice sheet collapse and Amazon dieback.
While progress in clean energy offers hope, scientists emphasize urgent emission reductions, as every fraction of a degree matters to limit damage.
Remember the nuclear clock? Let’s bring that back, but instead have it be dildos of various sizes with decreasing amounts of lube to symbolize how hard we’re about to get fucked.
The doomsday clock is still around and takes climate change into its calculations. we are 90 seconds to midnight as of this year.
Okay, so just add dildos?