The most outrageous/crazy place you’ve had sex
In her dorm with her roommate possibly asleep? We just went for it
I know the intent. Remember visiting the parents for the first time? What a nightmare that was. The one highlight was furious fucking in the bathroom while everyone watches wrestling or some dumb shit
Against a church wall as the fireworks were going off for new year (about 7 years ago or so)
I’m an asexual, so if by that you mean classic, two-way bodily mingling, then nowhere besides my dreams, and I’m not even sure about that. I’m not averse to it, which is a miracle considering past experiences, but I don’t look forward to it either.
I don’t mean anything besides curiosity when I ask a problematic question. Do you dream of it?
I am likely asexual as well and I only had a sex related dream maybe once in my lifetime. Never had sex either, although I’m not necessarily totally opposed to eventually trying it.
In the woods just some way off the trail we were just walking on
In a little parking between several building, against a car, at night In a building entrance after an after, at around noon, we saw peoples passing by :) I’ll keep the rest for another time :p
In a rec room of a Christian holiday camp that had been hired out for a wedding
On my sofa. Alone. My cats watching me.