First RCS now this, today has been wild
I live in the UK, and because of Brexit we won’t get this. Thanks Nigel Farage.
You should still switch to Linux.
Hell has truly frozen over. I guarantee that uninstalling edge will break something else in Windows
Hey, 'Muricans, how come we need to pressure every company into compliance for you?
Do you really think any average citizen has any say in this whatsoever?
Yes. You’re a democracy, right? Right?
On paper yes. In reality…
Isn’t that the point of your guns? Why are all these less free states more free?
Nah, those are just so we can shoot nonwhite people and say we thought they had a gun
Hey, 'Peans, how come you think a country larger than your pseudo continent is a homogenous hivemind?
E: what Ive learned from this comment is that apparently, all europeans share 1 single trait, which is just utterly horrid reading comprehension
Erm… Larger by land mass? Yes. Larger by GDP? No. Larger by number of inhabitants? No. Larger by amount of vastly different cultures that somehow get stuff like this done whole very decidedly not being a hive mind? Also no.
Lmfao you think europe is more culturally diverse than a country with thousands of cultures from around the world? Thats hilarious.
ThEre ArE no iMmIgRaNtS in EuRopE
Firstly, no one said that. Secondly if you think the amount of immigrant populations in europe are as large or as old as the ones in America you’re understanding of history is even worse than what the Americans know. Europe now has migration like the US did 40+ years ago. The amount and blending of cultures in America is wildly larger than Europe. The fact that y’all are starting to get what the US has had for decades doesn’t make Europe more diverse.
The majority of the immigrant population in 'Murica are from Europe.
This is cool and all, but why do we always stop at Microsoft? I think it would be more impactful in 2023 if we can uninstall Safari from iOS devices and Chrome from Android?
Didn’t we do this already back in the 90s with IE bundling??
ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Take edge and shove it so far up your data tracking sphincter of a face hole.
Can we please get these laws on a global level.
I’m not disagreeing, but what entity would enforce those global laws?
Same way laws are enforced now? Each country passing it and the companies needing to comply to continue operations.
Why are they force to comply right now if the laws don’t work?
You’re missing the point.
The ICC only has power in countries that let them have power. If a given country doesn’t feel like doing that, the ICC has precisely zero recourse or ability to enforce.
What should citizens in countries like that (which may or may not be dictatorships, single-party states, theocracies, or some other restrictive, un-democratic, and/or xenophobic form of government) do?
La Haye International Court of Justice, of course.
And what happens when the country in question is one that doesn’t care that much about the ICC, and responds “make me”?
To wit: The United States has famously refused to subordinate itself to the ICC
Nope. But hey look, the Democrats are coming to take your guns!
Well they’ll probably reinstall it with every update anyway.
They would get massive fines if they tried that.
What happens if you uninstall edge and you don’t have any other browsers?
How do you reinstall it or install a different one without a secondary computer?
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As an American, all I can say is thank you Europe for continuing to have sensible legislation that forces these companies to have decent policies worldwide if only to comply with EU laws. I only use Windows on my company provided laptop but just because I don’t need to worry about it personally doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t care about how it affects others.
As a Linux user, this is freaking funny.
Even better as a Windows 10 user - get to avoid the issues with version 11 and the issues with Linux!
Even better as a Windows 10 user
? Thanks for the heads up, not sure how it’s really relevant.
not sure how it’s really relevant.
Your original comment mentioned this…
Even better as a Windows 10 user - get to avoid the issues with version 11
I responded with the end of life date for Windows 10 to let you know that those are depending on staying on Windows 10 can only do so for a limited amount of time, and hence only have a limited time of avoiding issues with Windows 10. That’s the relevance.
You can say this about all software though? Linux also won’t be around forever… So it’s somewhat irrelevant.
You can say this about all software though? Linux also won’t be around forever… So it’s somewhat irrelevant.
First, we’re talking about OS’s, and not software in general. Please don’t use a debate tactic to move the goal posts.
Second, nope, you can’t, so it is relevant. Linux has always been here when other OSs have come and gone (OS/2 anyone?).
To your original comment…
Even better as a Windows 10 user - get to avoid the issues with version 11
Just to reiterate, Windows 10 has a shelf life that is very much shorter than Linux’s, so you won’t be a Windows 10 user for much longer.
Regardless of how you feel about this and/or Windows vs. Linux, you’ll need to plan for it.
Make the smart move, you’ll benefit more financially and otherwise for doing so.
Windows has always been free for me so it’s no big issue. But yes, as a current Windows 10 user my point still stands that the best of both worlds is using it IMO. Have the widest support for games and can easily remove any bloatware you want from it already.
You are the one who originally changed the goal posts about it being changed in 2 years time and that being an issue. I’ll worry about that in 2 years time - for all we know Microsoft will extend the support.
But also to your point, Linux is very young itself so you can’t expect it to always be around. Once it’s around for 100+ years sure, but I just don’t see that being a thing. There’ll come a time where it’s no longer relevant.
Once steam covers 90% of games windows becomes irrelevant.
For gamers-only maybe lmao
E: and people willing to spend several hours a month wondering why their OS broke again
Only in EU/EEA countries. So us here in
GileadAmerica are SOL at the momentIt’s because of this that I stopped using windows. Now that steam allows Linux gaming I have no need to revert to that os.
Are multiplayer titles with anti cheat (Call of Duty, Valorant, etc) able to be played yet? It’s the only thing holding me back.
Are multiplayer titles with anti cheat
EAC is on Linux now, don’t know about any other ones.
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I’m a Linux guy and I don’t really care about Windows, but I’m glad to see this happening and every day I thank Europe for being the main entity fighting for regulation of big tech monopolies, because America is really failing.
California is doing okay, all things considered
EU is very much a mixed bag. On the one hand, they do this, on the other hand, they tried to ban P2P encryption and microtargetted religious and elderly in resisting countries, feeding them the classic “it’s for the children’s safety” lies.
Its nuts that during the Obama admin, all anyone cared about was the threat of zero privacy. Now everyone in the US has surrendered to it, because our politicians have sold our digital privacy rights to the tech companies.
So apparently having consumer-friendly laws does in fact lead to better products. Cool.
Perhaps the USA and other countries should follow the EU’s good example on this.
But socialism! They’re all gonna be starving and homeless! Any day now…