Erm… Larger by land mass? Yes. Larger by GDP? No. Larger by number of inhabitants? No. Larger by amount of vastly different cultures that somehow get stuff like this done whole very decidedly not being a hive mind? Also no.
Firstly, no one said that. Secondly if you think the amount of immigrant populations in europe are as large or as old as the ones in America you’re understanding of history is even worse than what the Americans know. Europe now has migration like the US did 40+ years ago. The amount and blending of cultures in America is wildly larger than Europe. The fact that y’all are starting to get what the US has had for decades doesn’t make Europe more diverse.
Hey, 'Muricans, how come we need to pressure every company into compliance for you?
Hey, 'Peans, how come you think a country larger than your pseudo continent is a homogenous hivemind?
E: what Ive learned from this comment is that apparently, all europeans share 1 single trait, which is just utterly horrid reading comprehension
Erm… Larger by land mass? Yes. Larger by GDP? No. Larger by number of inhabitants? No. Larger by amount of vastly different cultures that somehow get stuff like this done whole very decidedly not being a hive mind? Also no.
Lmfao you think europe is more culturally diverse than a country with thousands of cultures from around the world? Thats hilarious.
ThEre ArE no iMmIgRaNtS in EuRopE
Firstly, no one said that. Secondly if you think the amount of immigrant populations in europe are as large or as old as the ones in America you’re understanding of history is even worse than what the Americans know. Europe now has migration like the US did 40+ years ago. The amount and blending of cultures in America is wildly larger than Europe. The fact that y’all are starting to get what the US has had for decades doesn’t make Europe more diverse.
The majority of the immigrant population in 'Murica are from Europe.
Do you really think any average citizen has any say in this whatsoever?
Yes. You’re a democracy, right? Right?
On paper yes. In reality…
Isn’t that the point of your guns? Why are all these less free states more free?
Nah, those are just so we can shoot nonwhite people and say we thought they had a gun