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Josseli Barnica grieved the news as she lay in a Houston hospital bed on Sept. 3, 2021: The sibling she’d dreamt of giving her daughter would not survive this pregnancy.
The fetus was on the verge of coming out, its head pressed against her dilated cervix; she was 17 weeks pregnant and a miscarriage was “in progress,” doctors noted in hospital records. At that point, they should have offered to speed up the delivery or empty her uterus to stave off a deadly infection, more than a dozen medical experts told ProPublica.
But when Barnica’s husband rushed to her side from his job on a construction site, she relayed what she said the medical team had told her: “They had to wait until there was no heartbeat,” he told ProPublica in Spanish. “It would be a crime to give her an abortion.”
For 40 hours, the anguished 28-year-old mother prayed for doctors to help her get home to her daughter; all the while, her uterus remained exposed to bacteria.
Three days after she delivered, Barnica died of an infection.
Do you think you should need to get permission to disconnect from the kidney machine? Or do you think that it’s your choice to share your body or not?
I know why you keep avoiding this question: it shows that you think your bodily autonomy is more important than a woman’s.
You can try to reframe the issue, but the facts are clear.
It’s a good thing we have dialysis machines so this entire argument is moot, along with organ donations. If the entire premise of the argument is nonsensical, then so would any response to it. Millions of people dying every year is a thing that really happens. I take it you won’t deny they’re people, but somehow it’s okay to kill them?
Also. “reactionary” was a title used by people like Mao Zedong to justify persecuting and killing innocent people, so that’s a little clue about how you really feel on the topic of murder.
Avoiding the question is it’s own cowardly answer.
Reactionaries always try to reframe things exactly backwards.
I should think it’s more cowardly to insult people without explaining why they’re wrong. Are you so deep in you own pro-genocide propaganda that you can’t even articulate why murder is wrong? And if it’s so cowardly to not respond, then why are you not responding to my questions? Are you calling yourself a coward? If so, I mean, you said it, not me.
I have just as much ground to call you a reactionary over your reframing of genocide as “healthcare,” which is apparently such an obvious position that you don’t know how to defend it.
I have explained it; remember how you bravely avoided the question that would unequivocally prove your “principle” wrong?
And reactionary has a meaning; it’s very reactionary of you to try and redefine it exactly backwards.
You can try to reframe it, but the facts are clear.
So not answering a meaningless and irrelevant question about ethics is less cowardly than not being able to explain why murder is wrong or why some human beings are not people? If I brought up a question about using magic to kill gnomes, would you take it seriously?
Roe v. Wade was the status quo for decades, and it sounds like you want to return to it. Therefore, if I’m a reactionary, you’re a reactionary too.
Oh, and how did Mao feel about alleged “reactionaries”?
Oh… I certainly don’t want that for anyone.
Your surface-level understanding of political philosophy is matched only by your amateur legal credentials.
Gotta say: it’s hilarious how far you’ve gone to avoid answering a simple question. So brave.
Your eagerness to condemn others for not wanting millions of innocent people to die without being able to articulate why killing everyone else is wrong is really quite telling. As is your use of political labels used by dictators to justify killing innocent people.
Go away, you’re boring and predictable.