4 years ago I was a Pennsylvania resident and registered voter. I have since moved to another state and have switched my voter registration. I had assumed changing my registration would be sufficient however, I am on some list of PA voters bc I get A LOT (oh my god it’s so much) of political texts and calls. It’s too late for this election and perhaps it won’t be so bad next time, and I wish they weren’t wasting their time and that my inbox weren’t so full.
I moved from Wisconsin a decade ago and I still get political shit from their parties. If there’sa good answer for this I hope you get it, I think this is just my life now.
Pop your info in here to locate and contact the clerk for details on how to “derigister” or cancel your Wisconsin voter registration: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/My-Municipal-Clerk
I just looked myself up in the voter registrations and it seems I’m already unregistered after being gone so long. Must just be residual contact lists I need to keep responding stop to, it has slowed down. Thank you for the suggestion