4 years ago I was a Pennsylvania resident and registered voter. I have since moved to another state and have switched my voter registration. I had assumed changing my registration would be sufficient however, I am on some list of PA voters bc I get A LOT (oh my god it’s so much) of political texts and calls. It’s too late for this election and perhaps it won’t be so bad next time, and I wish they weren’t wasting their time and that my inbox weren’t so full.
Pop your info in here to locate and contact the clerk for details on how to “derigister” or cancel your Wisconsin voter registration: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/My-Municipal-Clerk
I just looked myself up in the voter registrations and it seems I’m already unregistered after being gone so long. Must just be residual contact lists I need to keep responding stop to, it has slowed down. Thank you for the suggestion