The security issue is very likely scenario. If you’re in Russia, you can go to jail at any moment on totally bogus charges. It is very easy for FSB to pressure some random kernel maintainer into adding hard to detect backdoor into their code, it will be XZ situation all over again.
Freeze peach doesn’t mean you can call people "fag"s. By using that word you’re 1. insulting those who express their gender as they wish 2. calling us names
Also, my point is that there is precedent for laws to geopolitcally restrict open source. I agree that there is a real security issue.
Freeze peach doesn’t mean you can call people "fag"s. By using that word you’re 1. insulting those who express their gender as they wish 2. calling us names
wtf does this mean? i did not call anyone anything. what word?
some context for the soyboys in the back would useful tbh
why the fuck are we using that word here? just read the article yourself, “auteur de war” sans nees
sir this is a a public fora, people speak as they wish?
better reasoning comment up:
This actually makes common sense.
Freeze peach doesn’t mean you can call people "fag"s. By using that word you’re 1. insulting those who express their gender as they wish 2. calling us names
Also, my point is that there is precedent for laws to geopolitcally restrict open source. I agree that there is a real security issue.
wtf does this mean? i did not call anyone anything. what word?
soy boy
I’m a soy boy
learn to read…
Yes… Now do context read on what i said…
As you know, they do not.
Oh, did I get whooshed by a meme? :(
I think you read it right which is the bad part based on down votes 👻
I was referring to the other guy not being able to read beyond usage “bad” word