Hi all!

We’re very excited to move to Denmark soon as lifelong Americans. I have a good job lined up, and we’re set on a place to live for a while.

Any advice from people who have done it, looked it up, had friends who have done it, etc? Just in general :)

  • sunbeam60@lemmy.one
    5 days ago

    Dane here, living in the UK but have lived in the US and spent a lot of time with Americans.

    First of all make sure your are looking at Forskerordningen, which can radically lower your tax burden as a foreign worker coming to Denmark.

    Second, binge watch YouTube - there’s a lot of content of Americans moving to Denmark and most of them are full of advice. Travelin’ Young is the most nuanced.

    It’s very easy to navigate stores and big cities with English. Do not let that fool you. Danes REALLY appreciate arrivals learning the language and there are many places where not knowing the language will really impact you. Also, language is culture and it’s too easy in Denmark to fool yourself into thinking it’s not a problem for you. You won’t really live there and make those connections without speaking the language. Learn the language; I cannot say this clearly enough. It’ll make an ENORMOUS difference to you.

    Danes are very direct compared to Americans. Especially in the work place. They find Americans phoney and saccharine and they do not like corporate lingo. Speak plainly, be clear, feel a little “rude” (as an American) and you’ll quickly zero in on the right level of directness. It will be extremely difficult for you, as an American, to not read Danes as bored or rude. They are just plain.

    Be advised that “provinsen” (the outskirts) is quiet, dull, won’t speak English and very bare. If you’re not living in a big city, be prepared for an uphill climb. On the upside, though, if you built relationships out there, they’ll last a lifetime.

    If you want to be fully “adopted”, be advised that alcohol is part of the culture. Most events include alcohol. Sobriety isn’t normal.

    If you have kids, steel yourself for the liberty danes afford their children - and expect others to give them too. Kids will roam and being exposed to risk is seen as healthy part of growing up, including in state schools.

    Janteloven is real. If you’re ambitious, be strategic about how you expose that to others.

    • plcplc@lemmy.world
      5 days ago

      That is indeed quite accurate and comprehensive.

      And as a Dane due to move back after 8 years abroad it feels strangely relevant and slightly alienating 🙃