Tell us it all. We want details, especially regarding the best parts. Paint the story so we can live it. Let’s overwhelm brains with happiness and gratitude 🫠
My dad is able to get out of his wheelchair and instead use a walker, which I didn’t think he’d be able to do again in his lifetime.
That’s such great news! I can’t imagine how much better you guys feel with such a drastic improvement in mobility.
Interest rates in the US are set to go down 🎉
I concur. Let’s see some positive things. Lord knows I need it.
I wish.
We found an apartment in our dream location! Moving from a big flat city with boring surroundings to a small town in the mountains. Our apartment has a view of an orchard and vegetable garden and our dog can run around in a shared garden. We go up in size and down in price as well, even though there is a train connection of only 20 minutes to a big town. Moving there next week and I’m sooo excited. We are both procrastinators and managed to find the apartment and sign the contract two weeks before moving date… phew.
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What’s the least shittiest news then?
I’m seeing a chindhood friend tomorow that I have’t seen for 1.5 years. As kids we were best friends, but when we got older we kinda just stopped seeing each other that often. So realy looking forward to that!
Omg very similar here! My best friend, who lives oversees now, is coming to visit for 3 weeks. It’s been about 2 years since I’ve seen him. If I didn’t know him, I wouldn’t think it possible for another human to understand me on such a fundamental and intuitive level as he does. I’m stoked!
I interviewed a candidate this morning and kept a running gag going through the whole hour. Both he and my shadow interviewer seemed to appreciate my attempt to keep the process light-hearted.
Is “shadow interviewer” your evil clone?
No; I am the evil clone.
My mom is finally cancer free! Also, my best friend of 20 years might move to the city I live in :)
I’m so happy for everyone involved! 🥳
I recently got a job that seems like its going to work out well. I could be making way more money, 2-3x as much, but I decided pretty early that I’m not going to make missiles. This is way below my skill level and isn’t challenging in the slightest, but its a good change of pace. Was happily unemployed for a long time but its time I get back to routine and it feels great having money coming in instead of just out. I’m going to chill with it it for a good while and start applying to those niche jobs that I’m perfect for and pay a lot. Or I’m going to start a business with a buddy or two.
Congrats! Sounds like you have some determination and a stable financial situation.
Thanks but I am genuinely just stumbling through life and somehow it works out instead of me being homeless. Idk how shit works out but I feel like I don’t deserve it.
You do deserve it. Everybody deserves a stable living condition :)
My mom is treating me to a train ride for my birthday. I’ll get to ride through autumn foliage and enjoy tea and such. It lasts about 2 hours and I’m excited. 🤗
That sounds awesome. I hope you have a good time.
I’m jealous! That sounds lovely. There’s a train in my state I’ve been meaning to ride. Maybe I’ll do so soon. Enjoy your trip!
I’m getting married to the most wonderful person I know on Monday. Today we got the marriage license!
Congrats to you both! But especially to them since you must be a wonderful partner expressing such happiness for the marriage and admiration for them 😋
Congratulations!! All the best to you both. 💕
My engagement was the happiest time of my life, right up until the wedding. Ever since then, my marriage is the happiest time of my life.
I’ll be getting a puppy next month (from a good, reputable, and loving breeder). I lost my last puppy to an extremely rare type of cancer a few months ago and I really need this.
I still miss you, baby dog. And so does our other dog. She’ll be so happy to have another friend.
It’s a small win but after months of agonizing over my contract end date and a million rejected job applications, I got extended for another few months. Honestly just a huge weight off my shoulders as I desperately needed a break from the job search and was only a couple weeks away from the end date. Plus, it’s looking likely they’ll be able to make my position permanent by the end of this extension 🤞🏽
I got the psychiatrist’s approval for genital nullification surgery. I have a surgery date next year. I’m going to be able to wear tight pants and bikinis.