Media and search engines nowadays need a flag system and a filter for AI junk results

    2 days ago

    YouTube desperately needs to fix the recommendations for music.

    I mean, I guess if someone has a YouTube account, there’s nothing wrong with using YouTube as a music recommendations system, but it isn’t really the first thing I’d think of. I mean, music isn’t really what it was designed for.

    And YouTube doesn’t know what a user would listen to offline, so unless all their music-listening is from YouTube tracks…I’m not sure how representative the listening data would be of what a user would listen to.

    I don’t use them, because I don’t really want to hand them a profile of me, but if I wanted to get music recommendations, I’d probably use something like Audioscrobbler, which was designed for building a profile on someone’s music-listening habits and then handing them recommendations based on that.