Hey girls! I recently started my social transition, and i’ve been thinking about names. I know not everyone uses a different name during/after their transition, but i think i want to. How did you find your name, and how did you know it was the right one?
My siblings and i were all given names that start with the letter E, and i would like to maintain that pattern. The first name that came to mind was “Eva” after “Queen Iva” from the anime One Piece, who is a character with the power to control hormones.
Seeing Queen Iva was one of the things that made me start to question my gender, so i like the idea of honoring that. However i feel a little wierd about picking my name based on a tv show. Is that something people do? I’ve looked at various lists of baby names, but nothing really clicks the same way as Eva.
Id love to hear your advice and experiences!
My mom suggested it. I thought it was the most stupid name suggestion so far, but smiled and nodded because I was happy that we were having a genuine talk about my transition without the negativity that we would often end up with.
After a few months I realized that I kinda love it and, as you say, nothing really clicked the same way. It’s been about 2 years since I legally changed it and I still get a warm feeling when people use it :)
Also, nothing weird about the name Eva! If it feels weird to tell people how you came up with it, you are allowed to not mention that the idea came from a TV show.