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  • Flying
    6 months ago

    Trump on the peaceful transfer of power and January 6th: “I told people to be peaceful and patriotic when they were rioting and no one was killed on their side, but Ashley Babbit was shot by an evil cop and the rioters were treated badly. What about the killers coming over the border? She was the border czar, but she doesn’t want to be called that because she’s embarrassed about it. When are they going to be prosecuted? They’re coming from all over the world, not South America and crime is down all over the world. When are they going to be prosecuted? What about the people who burned down Minneapolis? What about the people who took over a large amount of Seattle!”

    Moderator: “Do you regret what happened?”

    Trump: “I just showed up to make a speech and I went to Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of D.C. and I said- it wasn’t a riot by me- and I said I’d like to give you the national guard and they both rejected me and her daughter has a tape saying she was responsible for what happened. It was their fault because she was responsible for security.”

    • Flying
      6 months ago

      Trump rebuts the sane responses by Harris on January 6th: “It was a different term and it was a term that was related to energy because they destroyed our energy business. Fox News people proved that I never praised Nazis in Charlottesville. You talk about the Capitol: Why are we allowing illegals in? Let’s leave this debate right now and go down to Washington D.C. and let her sign a bill to close up the border because they have the right to do it. They don’t need bills. You wake up the president because he’ll be asleep to go sign a bill and if they do that, the border is closed. Those people are killing many people, not January 6th.”

      Yes, he doesn’t know that congress passes bills.