I’ve been invited to attend a Tim Walz rally tonight, and I have no idea what to expect. Share your stories and get me pumped up to see our next VP!

Update: Everybody was right, lots of standing and clapping, but what I really didn’t expect was the sense of family I felt with all these strangers around me. We’d bump into each other, and laugh it off, one guy was telling me about how his son was thinking about going to the college that I work at (I was still wearing my shirt from work), and we all just knew that we were working together to make great things happen. I’ll probably skip the next one, but it was a great experience. I’m glad I went, and would recommend going to one if you have a chance, and a candidate you believe in.

  • solrize@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    I’ve been to a few. I literally met Joe Biden at one of them, when he ran for president in 1988 but tanked in the primaries. He gave a stump speech at my school with maybe 100 people gathered, and he stayed around and chatted afterwards. It was pretty relaxed, Biden spouted platitudes, and he tried to recruit one of the student organizers to his local campaign (no idea what if anything happened with that).

    Frankly I wouldn’t go to one now, especially an indoor one. Think of Herman Cain who now has an award named after him. The Biden one I went to was outdoors. If you go, wear a properly fitted N95 mask and keep it on the whole time, or as much as possible.