This was from Explaining Computers recent video about how Linux users shouldnt gate keep and criticise people for choices. Surprise, fuckers! Comments fill up with people telling everyone else how wrong they are…
I say “guy” in a generic sense, not a gender specific sense.
So what you are saying is @Fl4pper was in the wrong for having the peripherals before looking to see if they’d work on Linux. Gotcha.
@Fl4pper said it’s not possible to make music on Linux. Then got the response it is possible, and the responder even went further to help them know what they need to use to make music Linux, which is showing them it is possible. Issue is that @Fl4pper complained that he didn’t do the research, and complained that he didn’t want to change his way of doing things and upset that others aren’t changing to accommodate him and his niche needs. Many people make music on Linux, it’s easily done and there are tons of how tos online on how to do it. Fl4pper just didn’t have the right tools and wanted to blame anyone but themselves for not having the right tools.
If you bought a Prius and wanted to do street racing, would you say street racing isn’t possible with cars since your car wasn’t the right tool for it and lash out at anyone else who pointed out it is possible, just with different cars? Same logic.