Boy and his friends fight the dick neighbor kid, who is trying to take over the world with an eldritch horror from space.
You’re an alien frog archaeologist that launches themself into space in a rocket jerry-rigged out of wood and ancient alien goat-person tech. After dying repeatedly in several excruciating and brutal ways you learn to embrace death.
Outer Wilds!
You take a break from roasting marshmallows over a camp fire to go solve the deepest mysteries of the universe.
Ooh, look at this beautiful vast open world! Let’s go explo-YOU DIED
Elden Ring right?
Could also be the switch Zelda games
Elden Ring was the correct answer, but I don’t disagree. I just played BOTW and am now playing TOTK. Up until you get a few heart container upgrades it might as well be Legend of Zelda: Darkness of the Souls.
Once you get to the second row of hearts, it’s a much easier game though.
deleted by creator
Speaking skills - 0
Sword and shield skills - 100
You end up stranded on a foreign planet. You need to build a rocket so you can go home, but unfortunately you have to build a whole manufacturing facility to do that. As if this wasn’t hard enough, the inhabitants of the planet are environmentalist assholes and will do anything in their power to stop you.
I’m guessing Factorio.
I feel like this is well described lmao
Very, very flat people open a very, very old door.
You’re finally awake in death row and then spend the whole adventure, shouting to others, trying to avoid knee injury
It’s Skyrim, isn’t it?
A guy just wants to leave his home country and see the world, but his dad won’t let him. Even when he gets past his dad, he still can’t quite make it. It’s in the blood.
try to cure your burnout by waking up and starting work at 6am and passing out at 2am every single day for the rest of your life
Stardew Valley
you land on an alien planet, burn down trees, pollute the air, exterminate the native wildlife, drain the land of all natural resources, pave it all over with concrete, put some fish on a rocket, do not elaborate, leave
A man finds himself in front of a set of two open doors, he enters the door to his left.
Human leather factory simulator where you send drugged up child soldiers on slave raids while committing war crimes.
If this comment doesn’t get me on some watchlist I don’t know what will.
nature hates you