• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Atleast read up about his presidency before making stuff up.

    I’ve been keeping up enough to know more than what little is on Wikipedia, but thanks for the extra helping of unearned condescension, I guess 🙄

    I considered blocking you the other day when you were defending the Venezeulan dictator

    I did no such thing. Questioning the motives and sincerity of US dealings with regards to ANY South American country is just common sense and at no point while doing so did I express any support for the likely election fraud and government overreach of the demagogue Maduro.

    given you just told me to fuck off, I think I will now.

    Aww, was I being too rough on your delicate sensibilities as you were spreading unoriginal disinformation straight from the party glossary? I’m SOOO sorry! 😫

    Good riddance.