First time I’ve been feeling lonely this year, ik this is in stark contrast with the time of the year but I wasn’t able to perform in my school annual function (I really wanted to) and for some reason I have been feeling lonely since, what do you do when you feel like this?

    9 months ago

    I go do something that helps others. Maybe volunteer, donate blood, etc. Doesn’t have to be big, particularly social or part of some formal charity structure. I just find the best way to feel connected is to excerise empathy and act upon it.

    9 months ago

    I burst into a short musical number, then put my coat on and peoplewatch at the park with a sandwich.

    9 months ago

    I’m an introvert with very low social needs. During the pandemic it took months of quarantine for me to get lonely, and nearly a year to realize I was touch starved.

    But to answer your question, when I’m in a relationship I don’t get lonely and if I’m single I rely more on family for my social needs.

    9 months ago

    Recently I like to play some Twitch streams in the background when I’m not doing anything requiring a lot of focus. It makes me feel like I’m not really alone at home without any social effort on my side. You definitely have to find a right streamer for you though - most of Twitch is garbage in my opinion.

    Someone mentioned going out to eat or sit at some cafe which I also like to do sometimes.

    9 months ago

    At under no circumstances allow the thought machine to wonder alone during a silent moment. Constantly drown it under a huge pile of information so that it can’t ever go very far, otherwise it will look for a vein of negative emotions and dig deep inside.

    9 months ago

    Happens about once a year. It doesn’t last long, so I just kind of savor the feeling.

    9 months ago

    I try doing something productive, like working on developing a new skill, or work on some of my hobby projects. That prevents me from feeling lonely.

    9 months ago

    I as an introvert, crave sharing interests and knowledge with others. I want to have fun and share wonderful memories others. Sometimes when im alone I can imagine whole scenarios of going out and meeting my newest best friend somewhere near by and all of the wonderful times we will have together. However, whenever I try to achieve this in real life it never happens like that. I get let down 99% of the time and I end up getting exhausted at the idea of making new friends and meeting new people. It’s mostly my own fault for holding people to a fantasy I’ve conjured up in my head, but I this cycle of me wanting to make new friends and then being disappointed contributes to my sense of loneliness.

    9 months ago

    I don’t know if it’s “in stark contrast with the time of the year.” A lot of people feel lonely around this period, because the holiday season and the festivities can shine a brutal spotlight on one’s own lack of company. That’s why it’s easier to feel less alone when you’re in the middle of nowhere, than when you’re surrounded by hundreds of strangers.

    I used to be like you, though at different times of the year. I never went to school proms, I skipped several field trips, I’ve never gone camping with friends, I’ve had maybe two sleepovers in my life and they were both with the same friend. It just always felt like my social life wasn’t as rich and varied as it should have been.

    Today, that’s still the case. I don’t really do much apart from work, sleep, and take care of household/family responsibilities. Or so I thought.

    The world is a fucking big place, and life is fucking hard. Even those people who we envy for having big groups of friends, or for being in relationships all the time, or for celebrating holidays with fun parties…even they haven’t got it all. In many cases, they’re absolutely miserable despite their apparent lack of loneliness.

    I’ve learned to enjoy the little things I have. I place great value on my free time, and I try not to let society dictate what a successful life looks like. Very often, the “model” structure isn’t applicable to our own values and capabilities. Nor should it be.

    If I manage to play video-games a couple of nights and go for a walk, I’d call that a good week. Parties? They’re not all that, and if I get invited to one, then I can be happy about that. Field trips? I chose to save money on the fees and buy myself a camera instead. I still have that camera and it’s given me hundreds of times more joy than three days on the Isle of Wight with a bunch of sweaty teenagers could’ve granted me. Relationships? Yeah, it sucks that I’ve never been in one. I think about that pretty often. But the right time will come, and I’ve matured and improved myself way more for being single this whole time.

    A big part of it is just learning to relax and not get anxious over your fears about whether you’re wasting your time. We could all be making slightly better use of our lives, but as long as we make an attempt, we don’t need to beat ourselves up for not getting it right every single day.

    You probably won’t be able to change your mentality based on my writings alone. It’s more complicated than that. It might take therapy, or it might take age. It might even take some trauma to help you (eventually) see something you missed before.

    Life is constantly changing in ways we don’t even notice. I firmly believe in a simple mantra: everything happens exactly as it needs to.

    Call it destiny, God’s plan, or cosmic determinism, it doesn’t really matter. But there are no absolute failures and successes in life, just like there are no absolute rights and wrongs. They’re all just shades of grey, and they all carry potential for learning and evolving.

    OK, you didn’t get to perform in that social function. Talk kindly to yourself about it. Why didn’t you make it? Was there anything you could’ve done? What can you do the next time an opportunity like that appears? What were you able to do because you didn’t participate in the function? What constructive meaning could this “”“failure”“” have on your journey through life?

    Try to see these events as having a purpose that extends beyond the moment and you’ll unlock stronger reasons to keep living, and to keep trying. When you become aware of these long chains of cause and effect, that’s when the beauty of life truly comes alive.

    • fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      You sound like my long lost twin lol, jokes aside I can really relate with you, I have also learned to accept myself and my personality the hard way, I had literally 0 real friends when i began high school, this lead me to make a lot of toxic friends, couple that with already low self esteem and I was always very shy and awkward, which also made me less likable (I think?) by other people, I would frequently be made fun of regarding how I walk or stand, even by some teachers.

      It’s only recently I realized that I don’t need to listen or care about anyone’s opinion, I was (enlightened?) that I was trying to actually force social interactions and in all the wrong places, I always skipped trips and then tried to initiate conversations with the wrong people or/and at the wrong time, this made the whole situation exceptionally worse

      Fast forward and I have a lot more confidence in myself, I have also started doing better in my school, and I have learned to say no when my ‘friends’ seem to cross a line, some people say that I have grown ‘selfish’ but really I couldn’t care less

      I also took part in the concert because I wanted to, none of the people I knew were in it, I thought it would be good idea as it will probably be the last high school function I could be a part of, it’s a shame that it failed but really whatever (It’s been around 2 weeks and I have started to feel (a lot) better about it)

      P.S. in my school, there aren’t any ‘auditions’, you give the fee and you are in, and the teachers were the one telling kids what to do/perform, this left a sour taste in my mouth already, but they never really bothered to free an amp so I could practice and I really have no Idea why, I didn’t really want to put a half-assed performance their (It wouldn’t matter because it was an crappy orchestra anyway) and ruin everybody else’s performance, so I just skipped it

    9 months ago

    I play online games where buddies will ask if I wanna join them for a group activity. If I feel like I wanna socialize for whatever reason then I’ll join them for a dungeon or Raid. Sometimes I rather just play alone though haha.

    9 months ago

    Currently listening to neighbors have a screaming match. Impressed by how far away it is, happy that I’m not involved.

    9 months ago

    I just cry my eyes off or sleep until the feeling passes. I know it is not a healthy coping mechanism, but I don’t have many ways to make friends. I haven’t found any good book clubs or anything suitably nerdy in my city.