One of my cool older cousins was playing this one christmas when we went to his house! I was vaguely disappointed when we went back the next year and he was like “oh yeah that was fun but i beat it and don’t play it anymore.” Little kid brain assumed the game just went on for much longer than it does. Playing it together (ie: taking turns) is a fond childhood memory for me, though.
My mind went straight to the SNES too, but with Chaos Seed, the feng shui dungeon building oddity. I have a feeling people might be familiar with SNESdrunk around here, though.
The Illusion of Gaia for SNES. I don’t know anyone who has heard of it.
I still have the T-shirt that came with the box set!
It was a weird game, honestly.
I think the other two games in that series (Terranigma) didn’t get official English versions, but there are fanslations if you want to play them.
Rented Illusion of Gaia so many times!
One of my cool older cousins was playing this one christmas when we went to his house! I was vaguely disappointed when we went back the next year and he was like “oh yeah that was fun but i beat it and don’t play it anymore.” Little kid brain assumed the game just went on for much longer than it does. Playing it together (ie: taking turns) is a fond childhood memory for me, though.
My mind went straight to the SNES too, but with Chaos Seed, the feng shui dungeon building oddity. I have a feeling people might be familiar with SNESdrunk around here, though.