I, just wanna stop feeling anything. Never had friends but I could live with that, but I just want someone to embrace, someone that feels something for me, even if doesn’t last. Better than 0 for the rest of my life. This situation is slowly killing me.

The only thing that gives me some relief is gaming… (I read the post of like a ago here that several dudes met their partner thanks to a videogame and I felt even sadder, why that wasn’t me? I’ve been gaming for 30 years now).

  • jjjalljs@ttrpg.network
    1 month ago

    Maybe you should move.

    Which does require a job (or just savings to burn. Less ideal) and isn’t easy, but it sounds like a lot of the problems you’re facing are aggravated by your location being small and limited. (I think you said elsewhere that you don’t have a job. Side note: most people don’t want to date someone who’s jobless. Sucks we have to work, but that’s the world for folks that aren’t the idle rich)

    I’m not convinced you couldn’t find people who want to get together, even there, but if you’re right and there’s no one then you’re going to need to accept that or move.

    You might also need a car if there’s no transit, as I said earlier. Unless you move somewhere walkable, which is pretty great, but may be unavailable depending on where in the world you are.

    It sucks that your problems are compound problems, but if that’s the reality of it that’s what it is. Being sad about it isn’t going to make anything better.

    Break the problem into smaller pieces and make plans for addressing them.

    Want to move? Need a job.

    Need a job? Need skills or contacts or luck.

    Need skills? Online tutorials, classes, scholarships, etc.

    Need contacts? LinkedIn, Facebook, people you went to school with, parent’s friends.

    Etc etc.

    None of it’s likely to be easy, but you’d be moving towards a better existence. Don’t just give up.