• stoy@lemmy.zip
      9 months ago

      To my knowledge, I only have a vauge memory of having read this happening, but it may be a Total:Recall scenario where you comment has implanted a false memory.

      In any case, I would not be worried about biting, moose are far more likely to crush you when they decided to cross the road just infront of your car, in the evenings, when it is dark, at roads with no lighting.

      That is how me and my dad almost had a terrible crash many years ago, we were heading home from Uppsala toward Stockholm, dad was driving, we were on the backroads, and had just started driving on a long straight on the road, there was an oncomming car, and as we got close a moose decided to cross the road just ahead of us, dad had no tome to brake, and had to swerve into the oncomming lane and then back into our lane, we made it, but had a huge adrenaline kick.

      All learner drivers in Sweden are required to go to a driving facility and learn about the risks of exsessive speed, stopping distance and swerving, both on dry and wet track to get a feel for it should it happen later, it is really fun, as you get to drive the car at speed alone for the first time.