- never signed up for anything like this,
- never donated to or signed up for emails from the DNC, et al.,
- political texts like this come all the time, and
- I hesitate to reply “stop” because I don’t want them to know this is a live number (is my instinct here outdated/inapplicable?)
Why would my blocked numbers list reset?
New phone, new carrier, new sim card, wiping your phone to refresh it. If you haven’t specifically backed up your blocklist and imported it then it could reset.
I can see you have never owned an iPhone before.
Why am I supposed to assume you own an iPhone? I’m trying to list out all the potential cases in general for you and for other people. If you switch from Android to iOS or vice versa this would be the case. Seamless backup solutions aren’t exclusive to Apple either.
Mine reset when I switched phones a couple months ago, and I had to manually add them to my new phone. If I hadn’t noticed, then my blocked numbers list would be empty. Not saying that is a common issue, but it doesn’t hurt to opt out before blocking; just don’t click any links or say anything other than the opt out keyword.