It’s not readable in general, but the first screenshot is about the mods being complicit, the second is the post in question. The post claims a way to “unlock coursehero, chegg + more” and points to a discord. There isn’t really more than that.
u/dysgraphical then said:
The mod u/ Furdiburd10 who manually approved and stickied the post has been removed from the mod team. Reddit’s spam filter actually caught it early on and the community helped mass report. They also fully censored comments from yall calling it out.
Wait, I can make it smaller
Smaller! Smaller!
I meant the screenshots that explain the situation 😅
It’s not readable in general, but the first screenshot is about the mods being complicit, the second is the post in question. The post claims a way to “unlock coursehero, chegg + more” and points to a discord. There isn’t really more than that.
u/dysgraphical then said:
I tried to see about grabbing the post by pirat_nation for the screenshots, but the tweet doesn’t show and I don’t have/won’t use a twitter account.